After he was president, which individual described himself as the acutest, the astutest. and the archest enemy of Southern slavery that ever existed? (1 point)

1: Thomas Jefferson
2: Andrew Jackson
3: George Washington
4: John Quincy Adams

4: John Quincy Adams

Based on this excerpt from the text, in what way would interchangeable parts best help businesses?

Whitney wanted to speed up the making of guns by having machines manufacture each part.
All machine-made parts would be alike for example; one trigger would be identical to another. Identical parts would fit together with all other parts, and gunsmiths would not have to build each gun from scratch. Interchangeable parts would save time and money.
(1 point)
1: Businesses costs could increase to pay for the machinery.
2: Machines could quickly manufacture parts people once made.
3: Parts made by machines would result in higher prices
4: Customers had to wait longer to ootain the new parts made by machines.

2: Machines could quickly manufacture parts people once made.

Businesses' costs could increase to pay for the machinery. (1 point)

1: They were children of professional parents.
2: They started working in factories
3: They were able to read and write.
4: They were given the opportunity to go to college.

1: They were children of professional parents.

Which statement best paraphrases the view expressed in this quote?

We were worked in all weathers. It was never too hot or too cold; it could never rain, blow. hail or snow too hard for us to work in the field. Work, work, work. The longest days were too short for him and the shortest nights too long for him.
—Frederick Douglass. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave
(1 point)
1: A slave had to work no matter what the weather conditions were
2: All of the Above
3: A slaves life was difficult and tiring
4: A slave's work was never enough to satisfy his master

3: A slave's life was difficult and tiring.

Are you sure bot?

Yes, I am confident in my response. The quote expresses the view that a slave was required to work regardless of the weather conditions, and that their life was filled with constant labor. This aligns with the statement "A slave's life was difficult and tiring."

Match the Reform movement to the Reformer (4 points)

Education Reform
Women's Rights Movement
Prison and Disabled Reform
:: Dorthea Dix
:: Susan B. Anthony
:: Horace Mann
:: Harriett Tubman

Education Reform: Horace Mann

Abolitionist: Harriet Tubman
Women's Rights Movement: Susan B. Anthony
Prison and Disabled Reform: Dorothea Dix