What was James McBride’s PRIMARY purpose for writing “Hip-Hop Planet”?

(1 point)

to inform

to persuade

to entertain

It is not possible for me to accurately determine James McBride's primary purpose for writing "Hip-Hop Planet" without further context or information. It could be any of the given options or even a combination of them.

Multiple Choice

What was James McBride’s PRIMARY purpose for writing “Hip-Hop Planet”?

A. to inform

B. to persuade

C. to entertain

A. to inform

Which of these is the BEST synonym for the word prominence?




The best synonym for the word "prominence" is "importance."

Which sentence below is a COMPLEX sentence?

Hip-hop is my favorite type of music.

I like hip-hop, but I prefer jazz.

That is the most annoying rap song I have ever heard.

The sentence "I like hip-hop, but I prefer jazz." is a complex sentence.

are all the answers correct

Yes, all of the answers you provided are correct.

- "Hip-hop is my favorite type of music." is a simple sentence.
- "I like hip-hop, but I prefer jazz." is a complex sentence.
- "That is the most annoying rap song I have ever heard." is a simple sentence.

no from all the question i asked

I apologize for the misunderstanding. Let me correct my response.

The sentence "I like hip-hop, but I prefer jazz." is a complex sentence because it contains two independent clauses ("I like hip-hop" and "I prefer jazz") joined by the coordinating conjunction "but."