Multiply the expression


When multiplying two terms with the same base, you add the exponents.

So in this case, you add the exponents of c: 11 + 2 = 13
The expression becomes: (c^13)(2)

Multiply the expression


When multiplying two terms with the same base, you add the exponents.

So in this case, we have:

Multiplying the numbers, we have:
4 * -5 = -20

Now, multiplying the variables u and v, we have:
u^3 * u^5 = u^(3 + 5) = u^8
v^2 * v = v^(2 + 1) = v^3

Putting it all together, the expression becomes:

Multiply the polynomials.


To multiply the polynomials, we will use the distributive property.

First, distribute 9pq to each term within the parentheses:
9pq * 7pq = 63p^2q^2
9pq * (-3p) = -27p^2q
9pq * 2q = 18pq^2

Now, combine the terms:
63p^2q^2 - 27p^2q + 18pq^2

multiply the polynomials


To multiply the polynomials, we will use the distributive property.

First, distribute -6pq to each term within the parentheses:
-6pq * 7p^2 = -42p^3q
-6pq * -4pq^3 = 24p^2q^4
-6pq * -5q = 30pq^2

Now, combine the terms:
-42p^3q + 24p^2q^4 + 30pq^2

multiply the polynomials


To multiply the polynomials, we will use the distributive property.

First, distribute 5b to each term within the second set of parentheses:
5b * 3b = 15b^2
5b * -9 = -45b

Next, distribute -10 to each term within the second set of parentheses:
-10 * 3b = -30b
-10 * -9 = 90

Now, combine the terms:
(15b^2 - 45b) + (-30b + 90)

Simplifying further, we get:
15b^2 - 45b - 30b + 90

Combining like terms, we have:
15b^2 - 75b + 90

multiply the polynomials


To multiply the polynomials, we will use the distributive property.

First, distribute -6n to each term within the second set of parentheses:
-6n * 9 = -54n
-6n * -4n = 24n^2

Next, distribute 10 to each term within the second set of parentheses:
10 * 9 = 90
10 * -4n = -40n

Now, combine the terms:
(-54n + 24n^2) + (90 - 40n)

Simplifying further, we get:
24n^2 - 54n + 90 - 40n

Combining like terms, we have:
24n^2 - 94n + 90

multiply the polynomials


To multiply the polynomials, we will use the distributive property.

First, distribute 3y to each term within the second set of parentheses:
3y * 1.5y = 4.5y^2
3y * 0.8 = 2.4y

Next, distribute -9 to each term within the second set of parentheses:
-9 * 1.5y = -13.5y
-9 * 0.8 = -7.2

Now, combine the terms:
(4.5y^2 + 2.4y) + (-13.5y - 7.2)

Simplifying further, we get:
4.5y^2 + 2.4y - 13.5y - 7.2

Combining like terms, we have:
4.5y^2 - 11.1y - 7.2

multiply the polynomials


To multiply the polynomials, we will use the distributive property.

First, distribute 5w to each term within the second set of parentheses:
5w * 6 = 30w
5w * 2w^2 = 10w^3

Next, distribute -3 to each term within the second set of parentheses:
-3 * 6 = -18
-3 * 2w^2 = -6w^2

Now, combine the terms:
(30w + 10w^3) + (-18 - 6w^2)

Simplifying further, we get:
10w^3 + 30w - 6w^2 - 18

Combining like terms, we have:
10w^3 - 6w^2 + 30w - 18

multiply the polynomials


To multiply the polynomials, we will use the distributive property.

First, let's multiply 3 by each term within the second set of parentheses:
3 * y = 3y
3 * 2z = 6z

Now, distribute 3 to each term within the first set of parentheses:
3 * 2y = 6y
3 * 3z = 9z

Next, distribute 3y and 6z to each term within the second set of parentheses:
3y * y = 3y^2
3y * 2z = 6yz
6z * y = 6zy
6z * 2z = 12z^2

Now, combine the terms:
(6y + 9z)(3y + 6z)

Simplifying further, we get:
18y^2 + 36yz + 27yz + 54z^2

Combining like terms, we have:
18y^2 + 63yz + 54z^2

multiply the polynomials


To multiply the polynomials, we will use the distributive property.

First, distribute s to each term within the second set of parentheses:
s * s^2 = s^3
s * -s = -s^2
s * -3 = -3s

Next, distribute -3 to each term within the second set of parentheses:
-3 * s^2 = -3s^2
-3 * -s = 3s
-3 * -3 = 9

Now, combine the terms:
(s^3 - s^2 - 3s) + (-3s^2 + 3s + 9)

Simplifying further, we get:
s^3 - s^2 - 3s - 3s^2 + 3s + 9

Combining like terms, we have:
s^3 - 4s^2 + 3s + 9

multiply the polynomials


To multiply the polynomials, we will use the distributive property.

First, distribute -x^2 to each term within the second set of parentheses:
-x^2 * x^2 = -x^4
-x^2 * 5x = -5x^3
-x^2 * -2 = 2x^2

Next, distribute -4x to each term within the second set of parentheses:
-4x * x^2 = -4x^3
-4x * 5x = -20x^2
-4x * -2 = 8x

Now, distribute -3 to each term within the second set of parentheses:
-3 * x^2 = -3x^2
-3 * 5x = -15x
-3 * -2 = 6

Now, combine the terms:
(-x^4 - 5x^3 + 2x^2) + (-4x^3 - 20x^2 + 8x) + (-3x^2 - 15x + 6)

Simplifying further, we get:
-x^4 - 5x^3 + 2x^2 - 4x^3 - 20x^2 + 8x - 3x^2 - 15x + 6

Combining like terms, we have:
-x^4 - 9x^3 - 16x^2 - 7x + 6