Write the following as a common fraction or mixed number. Write your answer in lowest terms.


Reduce 44/100 to lowest terms.

Numerator and denominator are both divisible by 4.

To write 0.44 as a common fraction or mixed number, we need to determine the place value of each digit.

The number 0.44 has two digits after the decimal point. Therefore, the value of the first digit, 4, is in the hundredths place (1/100) and the value of the second digit, also 4, is in the thousandths place (1/1000).

To convert the decimal to a fraction, we can write 0.44 with a denominator of 1000, since the second digit is in the thousandths place.

0.44 = 44/100 = 11/25

So, 0.44 as a common fraction is 11/25.