where could find a good web site that would show me how to write a negative message to the phone company about charges that should not have been on your last month's bill.


There are several sections in this that should help you. Some of the links on the left are for job search letters and resumes, but you are interested in these:
General Business Writing Issues
Letters, Memos, and Reports
Samples and Models

In your letter, you need to be as unemotional as you can.

~~State what your expectation has been.
~~State what the problem is.
~~State what result you want.

If you are writing such a letter and want it proofed before you submit it, feel free to re-post and someone here will be critique/proof it for you.


Write a negative message to the phone company about charges that

should not have been on your last month’s bill

To find a good website that can show you how to write a negative message to the phone company about charges that should not have been on your last month's bill, you can start by performing a search on a search engine like Google. Simply type in keywords such as "how to write a complaint letter to a phone company" or "sample letter to dispute phone bill charges."

Look for reputable websites that offer tips, templates, or examples specifically related to writing complaint letters to phone companies.

One reliable website that provides helpful resources for writing business letters is the Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) at http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/pw/index.html.

Here are the steps to follow on the Purdue OWL website to find the information you need:

1. Visit the Purdue OWL website by clicking on the provided link (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/pw/index.html).

2. On the left side of the webpage, you will see various links. Look for the following sections that might be relevant to your search:

- General Business Writing Issues
- Letters, Memos, and Reports
- Samples and Models

3. Click on the relevant section(s) to access the resources and guidelines related to writing complaint letters or any other types of letters that may be helpful for your situation.

4. Read through the provided information, tips, and examples to gain a better understanding of how to structure and write your letter effectively.

Remember, when writing a negative message or complaint letter, it is essential to express your concerns clearly and professionally. State your expectation, explain the problem, and clearly state the result you desire.

If you require assistance or would like to have your letter proofread before sending it out, you can consider posting it on relevant forums or social media platforms where people are willing to provide feedback and help in polishing your message.

Good luck with your letter!