Is the answer to this problem correct? I'm not sure and I want to make sure I do well on the test.

Evaluate the following logarithms given log 4/log a = .321

The answer my teacher gave me was 0.963.

What is the reasoning behind the answer?

What is the base of your logarithms? 10? Are you supposed to evaluate a ?

I don't see how to get a = 0.963

are you solving for a ?

log 4/log a = .321
log a = log 4/.321
log a = 1.875576
a = 10^1.875576
= 75.089

log 4/log 75.089 = .321

Is your question evaluate a given that log4/loga=0.321?

if that's the case, then the answer is wrong.

Yeah, it was to solve for A.

I assumed it was to multiply by 3. Seeing as 4^3 = 64.

log(sub a) 4 = .321

To confirm whether the answer is correct, let's go through the steps of evaluating the logarithms in the problem.

The given equation is log 4 / log a = 0.321.

Step 1: Start with the equation log 4 / log a = 0.321.

Step 2: Cross-multiply to eliminate the fractions: log 4 = 0.321 * log a.

Step 3: Rewrite the equation using exponential form: a^(0.321 * log a) = 4.

Step 4: According to the logarithmic property, a^(log a) = a, we can simplify the equation to a^0.321 = 4.

Step 5: Raise both sides of the equation to the power of 1/0.321 to isolate 'a': (a^0.321)^(1/0.321) = 4^(1/0.321).

Step 6: By simplifying both sides, you will get a = 4^(1/0.321).

Finally, we can use a calculator to evaluate 4^(1/0.321), which is approximately equal to 1.195.

Therefore, based on the calculations, the answer to the logarithmic equation log 4 / log a = 0.321 should be approximately 1.195.

Since the answer your teacher provided (0.963) differs from our calculation, it seems there might be an error either in the answer or in the work leading up to it. It would be best to double-check the calculations and discuss the discrepancy with your teacher to ensure accuracy.