I have to write an essay on Hinduism for my college class (Religions of the world.

One question I'm having a difficult time answering is..
Explain the desire for liberation from earthly existence.

I'm not asking for no one to do this assignment for me..just need help understanding what this means

Any ideas on what this means? My understanding is liberation is "set free" or leave the earthly existence to something more spiritual. This I believe all ties into the cosmos (natural way of things).

The teacher has a 0 percent tolerance for plaigarism. Please cite if quoting original works.

This is what I came up with so far..

Hinduism is one of the oldest and organized religions in the history of mankind. This essay will explain what makes up the Hindu religion. What cultural and societal influences that have made Hinduism so vital to the region in which it were originated. This essay will also explain the desire for liberation from earthly existence.
Many Indian religious ways are combined to make up the Hindu religion. Hinduism is not like a unifying belief system, it lacks a uniting belief system. Hinduism allows for multiple religious faiths, customs, diverse forms of rituals and worship to develop a harmonious relationship with one another. Hinduism is also known by Sanatana Dharma, which is more commonly used today. Sanatana means ageless and believes in the ways that have always existed. Dharma is known to be the good of all and corresponds to the order in the cosmos. What is different about Hinduism is there is no one founder of this religion. Hinduism does not have a bible and does not require practicing adherents to follow one main idea. Hinduism is considered more of a culture than a religion. According to Hinduism Today (2009), “Hinduism is the planets oldest living religion and has over one billion adherents” (¶ 1).
Hinduism is more of a process that is to be studied. Hinduism must be studied not as a fixed body of doctrine, but as a developing tradition that has changed considerably throughout the centuries and which is still changing in a creative direction. Hinduism is still a living changing process. God is worshiped in some form in Hinduism and can be identified with many flourishing religions today. Hinduism has a broad range of practices and beliefs but all blends together into a common concept. Hinduism today states, “Hinduism's three pillars are temple worship, scripture and the guru-disciple tradition” (Hinduism Today, 2009, ¶ 3). The Hindu path is defined by the law of dharma, good conduct, non-violence, and love.

Please see my response below.

To understand the desire for liberation from earthly existence in Hinduism, it is important to delve into the concept of moksha, which is the ultimate goal for many Hindus. Moksha represents liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, known as samsara. It is the liberation of the soul from the constraints of earthly existence and the merging with the divine reality.

In Hinduism, it is believed that every individual has an eternal soul, known as atman, which is inherently divine. However, due to ignorance and attachment to worldly desires, the soul remains trapped in the cycle of samsara, experiencing the joys and sufferings of various lives.

The desire for liberation arises from the recognition of the impermanence and suffering that are inherent in the material world. Hindus seek to break free from the continuous cycle and attain union with the ultimate reality, known as Brahman. This liberation is seen as the ultimate purpose of human existence, where one transcends the limitations of the material world and achieves eternal bliss and oneness with the divine.

To answer your question, you can elaborate on the concept of moksha in Hinduism and its significance for believers. You can explore the idea that the desire for liberation stems from a recognition of the transient nature of worldly existence, and the longing to attain eternal happiness and oneness with the divine. Provide examples or quotes from Hindu scriptures, such as the Bhagavad Gita or Upanishads, to support your points. Remember to cite these sources properly to avoid plagiarism.