Vous m'avez inspiré de développer une si grande passion pour le tennis"

Is this the best translation for "you have inspired me to develop such a big passion for tennis?"

So far.

Sra (aka Mme)

To confirm if the given translation is accurate, one can use various tools or references. One of the commonly used tools is an online translator, such as Google Translate. Here's how you can check:

1. Open a web browser.
2. Go to the Google Translate website (translate.google.com).
3. Select the input language in the left box (for example, English).
4. In the right box, enter the sentence you want to translate (in this case, "you have inspired me to develop such a big passion for tennis").
5. Select the output language in the right box (in this case, French).
6. After following these steps, you should see the translation provided by the tool.

By following these steps, you can verify if the translation you provided is correct or if there are any suggested alternatives. Additionally, you can consult language experts, dictionaries, or online language forums for further confirmation.