Help! I have a paper that needs to adress the following question: Describe how agriculture contributed to economics, and how it contributed to economic development, regional specialization, and social reform,during 1780-1850.

I am not sure where to begin looking. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "agriculture economics 1780-1850" to get these possible sources:

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To begin researching for your paper on how agriculture contributed to economics, economic development, regional specialization, and social reform during the time period of 1780-1850, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with an overview: Begin your research by looking for general information on the historical context of the period. This will provide you with a foundation to understand the changes and developments in agriculture during that time.

2. Use academic databases: Access reputable academic databases, such as JSTOR, Academic Search Complete, or Google Scholar, to find scholarly articles, research papers, and books on the topic. Use keywords like "agriculture," "economics," "economic development," "regional specialization," and "social reform" to narrow down your search.

3. Check textbooks and reference materials: Look for relevant chapters in history textbooks or specialized books on the economic history of the 18th and 19th centuries. These sources can provide you with clear explanations and overviews of the topic.

4. Explore primary sources: Dive deeper into the topic by seeking out primary sources from that time period. These can include documents, letters, diaries, government reports, and newspapers. You can find digitized collections of primary sources online, such as the Library of Congress website or digital archives specific to your research topic.

5. Consider economic theories and concepts: Familiarize yourself with economic theories and concepts of the time period, such as the Agricultural Revolution, mercantilism, and the Industrial Revolution. Understanding these theories will provide you with valuable insights into the impact of agricultural practices on economics and social developments.

6. Analyze case studies and historical examples: Look for specific examples or case studies that illustrate how agriculture contributed to economic development, regional specialization, and social reform during this period. For example, investigate the impact of the Enclosure Acts in England, the emergence of cotton plantations in the American South, or the agricultural innovations of the Dutch "Culture System" in Indonesia.

7. Organize your findings: As you gather information, organize your research materials using a system that works for you. This could be creating an annotated bibliography or using note-taking software. Keeping track of your sources will make it easier to cite them later and maintain coherence in your paper.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find, considering their reliability, biases, and academic credibility. Don't hesitate to consult your instructor or a librarian for additional guidance or resources specific to your research question.