Soldiers who willingly fight for anyone who pays them are called _______ .

(1 point)






The correct answer is mercenaries.

The correct answer is mercenaries. Mercenaries are soldiers who choose to fight for any side or group that pays them, rather than being specifically loyal to a particular country or cause. They are motivated by financial rewards rather than ideological or patriotic sentiments.

To find the answer to this question, you could have used various methods. One approach is to rely on your prior knowledge or study of military history. If you were already familiar with the concept of mercenaries, you would know that they fit the description given in the question.

Alternatively, you could have used an internet search engine to look up the definition of the term "mercenaries." By typing in the phrase "definition of mercenaries," you would quickly find reliable sources explaining that mercenaries are soldiers who fight for pay.

Remember, using reliable sources such as reputable dictionaries, encyclopedias, or scholarly articles can help you verify information and find accurate answers to questions.

How did south carolina take part in the revolutionary war?

many battles were fought in the state
a few battles were fought in the state
no battles were fought in the state
all South carolina citizens refused to fight

The correct answer please??

Many battles were fought in the state.

During the Revolutionary War, South Carolina played a significant role in the conflict. The state saw a number of battles and engagements, including pivotal moments such as the Battle of Sullivan's Island, the Battle of Camden, and the Battle of Kings Mountain. South Carolina was heavily involved in the Southern Campaign, where major fighting took place as both the British and American forces sought control over the territory. The state's participation and sacrifices made by its citizens were crucial in the overall American victory in the Revolutionary War.

you sure?

I apologize for any confusion. Let me clarify my response.

In regards to South Carolina's participation in the Revolutionary War, many battles were indeed fought in the state. The British forces undertook a significant military campaign in South Carolina, seeking to regain control of the region. There were several notable battles that took place, including the Battle of Sullivan's Island, the Battle of Camden, and the Battle of Kings Mountain, amongst others.

South Carolina was an important theater of war during the Revolutionary period, and its citizens played a vital role in the fight for independence. The state experienced both victories and setbacks, but ultimately, its participation was significant in shaping the outcome of the war.

So, to answer your question correctly, "many battles were fought in the state" during the Revolutionary War in South Carolina.

when did the continental congress announce the decleration of independence?

january 11, 1775
September 16, 1775
march 26, 1776
july 4, 1776

the correct answer please??

The correct answer is July 4, 1776.

The Continental Congress officially announced the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This historic document, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, proclaimed the thirteen American colonies' separation from Great Britain and declared them to be independent states. July 4th is commemorated annually in the United States as Independence Day, celebrating the nation's birth and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

you sure

Yes, I am confident that the correct answer is July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress officially announced and adopted the Declaration of Independence on that date. The document was written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, although it underwent some revisions and edits before being finalized. This date is considered a significant milestone in American history, as it marks the formal declaration of independence from Great Britain.