The major conflict(s) that the christian world had with the muslims during the middle ages was/were due to:

A:the desire to spread the principiles of the koran
B:the desire to form a government, ecenomic, and social system
C: religious inspiration to wage war and acquire new territories
D:all of the above

Let us know what YOU THINK.

To determine the major conflicts that occurred between the Christian world and Muslims during the Middle Ages, we will examine the options given:

A: The desire to spread the principles of the Quran
During the Middle Ages, the Muslim world did indeed have a desire to spread their religious principles, including the Quran. However, this alone does not explain the major conflicts between Christians and Muslims.

B: The desire to form a government, economic, and social system
While the desire to establish government, economic, and social systems may have been an overarching concern for many civilizations during the Middle Ages, it does not directly explain the conflicts between Christians and Muslims.

C: Religious inspiration to wage war and acquire new territories
Religious inspiration played a significant role in the conflicts experienced between the Christian and Muslim worlds during the Middle Ages. Both sides believed in the righteousness of their own religion and were motivated to protect and expand their territories. The Crusades, for example, were religiously justified conflicts in which Christians sought to regain control of the Holy Land from the Muslims.

D: All of the above
Considering the explanations above, option D, 'all of the above,' seems to be the most accurate answer. The conflicts between the Christian and Muslim worlds during the Middle Ages were influenced by various factors, including religious motives, the desire to establish political and social systems, as well as the spread of religious principles.

It's important to note that historical events can be complex and influenced by multiple factors. While this explanation provides a general understanding, further research and analysis from historical sources would contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the conflicts between Christians and Muslims during the Middle Ages.