What do people in spain do when they greeting each other?

a. kiss on one cheek
b. bow their heads
c. kiss on both cheeks

c. kiss on both cheeks

WHich city is the capital of spain?

The capital city of Spain is Madrid.

Which of the following people would you most likely address as "tu"?

A. your sibling
b. your mother's friend
c. your doctor

A. your sibling

The meaning of family in the spanish- speaking world______

a. includes the extended family
b. is limited to immediate
c. includes everyone in the community

a. includes the extended family

Which region of spain has a colloer, rainier climate than others?

a. Southern Spain
b. Central Spain
c. the basque Country

a. Southern Spain

WHich place in Spain is known for its aqueducts?

The place in Spain known for its aqueducts is Segovia.