Cannabis is which type of drug:

Group of answer choices





Cannabis is a group of answer choices: hallucinogenic and depressant.

Cannabis is commonly known as

Group of answer choices





Cannabis is commonly known as marijuana, pot, or dope. However, vapes typically refer to the method of consuming cannabis, rather than the name of the substance itself.

Marijuana comes from

Group of answer choices

tobacco teaves

fermented plants

cannabis flower and leaves

cocoa leaves

Marijuana comes from cannabis flower and leaves.

Select the ways cannabis can be smoked.

Group of answer choices







The ways cannabis can be smoked include blunt, bong, joint, and vape.

Select the ways, besides smoking, that cannabis is commonly used.

Group of answer choices

Brewed on Tea




The ways, besides smoking, that cannabis is commonly used include brewed in tea and consumed as edibles. It is not typically injected or snorted.

You have to be _____ years old to use cannabis in Illinois legally.

You have to be 21 years old to use cannabis in Illinois legally.

Select the ways cannabis can affect the teenage brain.

Group of answer choices

Improve attention

Increase interest in everyday activities

Decrease memory retention

Improve memory

The ways cannabis can affect the teenage brain include decreasing memory retention. It does not typically improve attention, increase interest in everyday activities, or improve memory in the context of cannabis use.

THC's potential medicinal use includes:

Group of answer choices

increases attention

increases memory

decreases nightmares and night terrors

increases appetite and reduces nausea

THC's potential medicinal use includes decreasing nightmares and night terrors, increasing appetite, and reducing nausea. It does not typically increase attention or memory.

CBD's potential medicinal use includes

Group of answer choices

increases attention

reduces nightmares and night terrors

increases attention

reduces seizures

CBD's potential medicinal use includes reducing seizures and reducing nightmares and night terrors. It does not typically increase attention.

Which kind of addiction happens with cannabis?

Group of answer choices

Physiological addiction

Psychological addiction

Environmental addiction

Spiritual addiction

The addiction that can occur with cannabis is primarily psychological addiction. While some individuals may experience mild physical withdrawal symptoms, it is not considered a strong physiological addiction. Environmental and spiritual addiction are not typically associated with cannabis use.

Teens and adults are affected differently by cannabis.

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True. Teens and adults can be affected differently by cannabis due to differences in brain development and sensitivity to the drug. The developing teenage brain is more vulnerable to the potential negative effects of cannabis compared to the mature adult brain.

Cannabis use does NOT affect teenage brain development.

Group of answer choices



False. Cannabis use can indeed affect teenage brain development. Research has shown that regular and heavy cannabis use during adolescence can have adverse effects on brain structure, function, and cognitive abilities. It is particularly important for teenagers to avoid cannabis use to minimize potential long-term impacts on brain development.

Cannabis is legal in every state.

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False. Cannabis is not legal in every state. While there has been a growing trend towards legalization and decriminalization in some parts of the United States, cannabis laws vary from state to state. Some states have legalized both medical and recreational use, some have only legalized medical use, while others still maintain strict prohibition laws. It is important to be familiar with the specific laws and regulations regarding cannabis in each state.

It is legal to use cannabis while driving in Illinois.

Group of answer choices



False. It is not legal to use cannabis while driving in Illinois or in any other state. Driving under the influence of cannabis is illegal and considered a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) offense. It can impair coordination, reaction time, judgment, and other important skills necessary for safe driving.

The part of cannabis used is the

Group of answer choices





The part of cannabis typically used is the flowers, also known as buds. While some cannabis products may also utilize leaves and stems, the flowers contain the highest concentration of cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, which are the active compounds sought after for recreational or medicinal purposes. The root is not commonly used in cannabis consumption.