Is this an appositive phrase?

The tangy scent of barbeque drew us TOWARD THE LITTLE CAFE.



An appositive is a phrase that explains a noun. The barbecue, ribs and chicken legs, was almost ready for supper.

Ribs and chicken gives a specific explanation of a general noun.

Could it be an adverb phrase?


Yes, "TOWARD THE LITTLE CAFE" is an appositive phrase in this sentence. To determine this, we can break down the sentence and analyze the components:

1. "The tangy scent of barbeque" - This is the main subject of the sentence.
2. "drew us" - This is the main verb of the sentence, indicating the action.
3. "TOWARD THE LITTLE CAFE" - This is an appositive phrase that provides additional information about the direction in which the tangy scent of barbeque drew "us."

An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that renames or provides more information about another noun or pronoun in a sentence. In this case, "TOWARD THE LITTLE CAFE" is providing additional information about the direction in which "us" (the subject of the verb) was drawn.