Too hot, no oxygen and very high atmospheric pressure. But this doesn't mean that we could live there, it only means that we can't walk on the surface without protection.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Well, life on Venus "may" be possible!


Humans cannot live on Venus due to several reasons:

1. Extreme heat: Venus has a thick atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide, which creates a strong greenhouse effect. As a result, the surface temperatures on Venus can reach up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius), which is hotter than the surface of Mercury, even though Venus is further from the Sun.

2. Lack of oxygen: Venus has a very thin atmosphere, which is predominantly carbon dioxide with traces of nitrogen and other gases. There is almost no oxygen present on Venus, making it impossible for humans to breathe and sustain life without artificial means of supplying oxygen.

3. High atmospheric pressure: The atmosphere on Venus is extremely dense, with pressures equivalent to being about 900 meters (3,000 feet) deep under the ocean on Earth. Such high pressure would be lethal for humans without proper protection.

4. Toxic atmosphere: In addition to the lack of oxygen, Venus has a toxic atmosphere consisting of sulfuric acid clouds and other corrosive gases. These conditions are inhospitable for human life.

To explore the possibility of life on Venus, scientists are studying the upper atmosphere, where the conditions are less extreme. Some microbes known as extremophiles can survive in harsh environments on Earth, leading scientists to speculate about the potential for microbial life on Venus. However, the conditions on the surface make it highly unlikely for humans to live there without extensive technological intervention.