Identify the suffix /prefix and familiar words


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Hint: Look each word up in a dictionary and you'll almost always find it divided into syllables and the prefixes and suffixes indicated.

Com is a prefix

ous is suffix
Bagpipe is familiar
Re is prefix
Extraordinary is familiar

Isn't "extra" a prefix?

To identify the suffixes and prefixes in the given words, we need to break down each word into its individual parts.

1. Composition:
- Prefix: "Com-" is a prefix meaning "together" or "with."
- Suffix: "-tion" is a suffix that forms a noun and indicates an action or result.

Familiar words:
- Compose
- Composition

2. Harmonious:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: "-ous" is a suffix that forms an adjective and means "full of" or "having the quality of."

Familiar words:
- Harmonize
- Harmonious

3. Bagpipe:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: None

Familiar words:
- Pipe

4. Resounded:
- Prefix: None
- Suffix: "-ed" is a suffix that forms a past tense verb.

Familiar words:
- Resound
- Resounded

5. Extraordinary:
- Prefix: "Extra-" is a prefix meaning "beyond" or "outside of" the usual or expected.
- Suffix: "-ary" is a suffix that forms an adjective and means "related to" or "belonging to."

Familiar words:
- Extra
- Ordinary
- Extraordinary

By breaking down each word into its components and identifying common prefixes and suffixes, we can recognize familiar words and understand the meaning and structure of the given words.