5.1 x 10 to the power of 7 in decimal notation

The decimal notation of 5.1 x 10^7 is 51,000,000.

2.67 x 10 to the negative power of 3 in decimal notation

The decimal notation of 2.67 x 10^(-3) is 0.00267.

6.71 x 10 to the negative power of 3 in scientific notation

The scientific notation of 6.71 x 10^(-3) is 6.71E-3.

671,000,000 in scientific notation form

The scientific notation of 671,000,000 is 6.71 x 10^8.

suppose a human blick 15 times an hour, how many times do you blink in a year?

To calculate the number of times a human blinks in a year, you need to determine the number of blinks per hour and multiply it by the number of hours in a day, days in a year, and finally divide by the number of blinks per minute. Typically, humans blink about 15 to 20 times per minute. Assuming a conservative average of 15 blinks per minute, the calculation would be as follows:

15 blinks/minute * 60 minutes/hour * 24 hours/day * 365 days/year

To calculate this, we multiply each component to find:

15 * 60 * 24 * 365 = 15,876,000 blinks/year

Therefore, a person blinks approximately 15,876,000 times in a year.

15,876,000 in scientific notation form

The scientific notation of 15,876,000 is 1.5876 x 10^7.

if you blink 15 times an hour how many times do you blink in a year in scientific form

To calculate the number of times you blink in a year in scientific notation, you need to determine the number of blinks per hour and multiply it by the number of hours in a day, days in a year, and finally divide by the number of blinks per minute. Assuming you blink 15 times per hour, the calculation would be as follows:

15 blinks/hour * 24 hours/day * 365 days/year

To calculate this, we multiply each component to find:

15 * 24 * 365 = 131,400 blinks/year

Therefore, you blink approximately 1.314 x 10^5 times in a year (in scientific notation).

5.9 x 10 to the power of 5 in decimal notation

The decimal notation of 5.9 x 10^5 is 590,000.

7.3 x 10 to the negative power of 8 in decimal notation form

The decimal notation of 7.3 x 10^(-8) is 0.000000073.