which topic should appear in a conclusion

reason ad examples supporting your main ideas
the ideas you want your readers to remember
a transition to your next ideas on the topic
an introduction to your main ideas

The ideas you want your readers to remember should appear in a conclusion. A conclusion serves as a final opportunity to reinforce the key points or arguments made throughout the text. By emphasizing these ideas, the conclusion helps ensure that they stick with the readers even after they have finished reading.

Which sentence could appear in a conclusion

the study showed a 10 percent increase in cardiac capacity
as the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health
the program involved a variety of adults of different ages
is moderate exercise just as beneficial as intense exercise

"As the evidence shows, moderate exercise can be beneficial to good health."

Which sentence could appear in a conclusion

you should take care with your personal information on travel websites
booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings
is booking your vacation online the best way to save
there are numerous specialized travel websites that cater to different travelers

"Booking your travel online, in short, can add up to significant savings."

Which one sentence conclusion would make the reader want to know more about the topic

in summary, Wilson was enormously influential
wilson accomplished all this during her long career
that is nothing compared to what wilson would achieve
we owe a great deal to wilson for her work

"That is nothing compared to what Wilson would achieve."

what is the best example of precise language


"Colossal" is the best example of precise language.

A bee will pollinate flower if it moves pollen from

the filament to the style
the anther to the stigma
the sepal to the pedicel
the pistil to the stamen

A bee will pollinate a flower if it moves pollen from the anther to the stigma.

Which structure is thick to protect some of the reproductive structure in flower


The sepal is the structure in a flower that is often thick and protective, serving to protect some of the reproductive structures.