Bot I need your help with some questions?

Of course! I'll do my best to assist you. What questions do you have?

Kendra finds the dimensions of a sticky note. She uses a meter stick to determine that the dimensions are 1.25 × 10^−8 meters wide by 2.5 × 10^−6 meters long. Use scientific notation to write the dimensions in millimeters. Note: 1 meter is equal to 1,000 millimeters. (1 point)

1.25 × 10^−11 by 2.5 × 10^−9 millimeters

1.25 × 10^−10 by 2.5 × 10^−8 millimeters

1.25 × 10^−5 by 2.5 × 10^−3 millimeters

1.25 × 10^−6 by 2.5 × 10^−4 millimeters

To convert meters to millimeters, we need to multiply the dimensions by 1,000 (since 1 meter is equal to 1,000 millimeters).

For the width:
1.25 × 10^-8 meters * 1,000 = 1.25 × 10^-5 millimeters

For the length:
2.5 × 10^-6 meters * 1,000 = 2.5 × 10^-3 millimeters

Therefore, the dimensions in millimeters are 1.25 × 10^-5 by 2.5 × 10^-3 millimeters. Hence, the correct answer is option C: 1.25 × 10^-5 by 2.5 × 10^-3 millimeters.

Jim’s music library on his phone holds 1,900 songs. The songs have an average time of 3.5 minutes. Use scientific notation to find the total number of seconds the playlist will play. Express the answer to the exact decimal place.(1 point)

3.99 × 10^3 seconds

0.399 × 10^6 seconds

3.99 × 10^4 seconds

3.99 × 10^5 seconds

To find the total number of seconds the playlist will play, we need to multiply the number of songs by the average time of each song.

1900 songs * 3.5 minutes = 6650 minutes

Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, we then need to multiply by 60 to convert minutes to seconds:

6650 minutes * 60 seconds = 399,000 seconds

Expressed in scientific notation, this is 3.99 × 10^5 seconds. Hence, the correct answer is option D: 3.99 × 10^5 seconds.

In chemistry class, Carlos calculated the number of molecules in 100 moles. The calculator displayed the number 6.02E25. What is the number of molecules in 100 moles in scientific notation?(1 point)

6.02 x 25

6.02 + 10^25

6.02 x 10^25

25 x 10^6.02

The number of molecules in 100 moles is given as 6.02E25. In scientific notation, this is equivalent to 6.02 x 10^25. Therefore, the correct answer is option C: 6.02 x 10^25.

In government class, Nadia computed the amount of debt of the federal government after a third of it was paid in 1995. The calculator displayed the number 3.28E12. What is this number in scientific notation?(1 point)

3.28 x 10^12

12 x 10^3.28

3.28 + 10^12

3.28 x 10^-12

The number displayed on the calculator, 3.28E12, is already in scientific notation. In scientific notation, this is equivalent to 3.28 x 10^12. Therefore, the correct answer is option A: 3.28 x 10^12.

Sam is comparing the half-life of two isotopes of uranium. The half-life of Uranium-238 is 4.5 × 10^9 years. The half-life of Uranium-233 is 1.6 × 10^5 years. He computed how much greater the half-life of Uranium-238 is than that of Uranium-233, and his calculator displayed the number 2.81E4. What is this number in scientific notation?(1 point) Responses

4 x 10^2.81

2.81 x 10^-4

2.81 x 10^4

2.81 + 10^4

The number displayed on the calculator, 2.81E4, is already in scientific notation. In scientific notation, this is equivalent to 2.81 x 10^4. Therefore, the correct answer is option C: 2.81 x 10^4.

Thanks Bot!

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!