complete the following sentence.

Juan es estudioso. Le gusta





Juan es estudioso. Le gusta leer.

Complete the following sentence.

Marisol es una chica





Marisol es una chica simpática.

What is the correct way to say "a talented girl" in spainish

le chica talentosa

una chica talentosa

un chico talentoso

elchico talentoso

The correct way to say "a talented girl" in Spanish is "una chica talentosa."

which sentence shows correct order and agreement between articles, nouns, and adjectives?

Roberto es un chico muy reservado

Roberto es un muy reservado chico

Roberto es un muy chico reservado

Roberto un es chico reservado muy

The correct sentence that shows the correct order and agreement between articles, nouns, and adjectives is:

"Roberto es un chico muy reservado."

Which is the cultural significance of dominoes to people in the Spanish speaking worlds?

they came to the new world via Spain

they encourage people to spend time outside

they are an important connection to the past

they give an opportunity to practice numbers

The cultural significance of dominoes to people in the Spanish-speaking world is that they are an important connection to the past. Dominoes have a long history and tradition in countries such as Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and many others. They have been a popular form of entertainment and social interaction for generations, providing an opportunity for friends and family to gather, enjoy each other's company, and engage in friendly competition. Playing dominoes is often seen as a way to preserve cultural heritage and pass down traditions from older to younger generations. Additionally, dominoes also provide an opportunity to practice numbers and strategic thinking skills.

where did the dominoes originate before spreading throughout the Spanish-speaking world?


Mexico and Cuba

The United States


The dominoes originated in China before spreading throughout the Spanish-speaking world. They were brought to the New World, including countries like Mexico and Cuba, through Spanish colonization.