Which of the following were important achievements of the Kushites? Select the three correct answers.

(1 point)

the defeat of the Assyrian army

the defeat of the Assyrian army

the invention of one of the world's first alphabets

the invention of one of the world's first alphabets

the development of Africa's first iron-working city

the development of Africa's first iron-working city

the famous text, The Book of the Dead

the famous text, The Book of the Dead

the invention of papyrus

the invention of papyrus

trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Saha

The three correct answers are:

- the defeat of the Assyrian army
- the development of Africa's first iron-working city
- trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara

Because the Egyptians constructed early forms of glass and mortar for setting bricks, scholars know they were skilled in which science?

(1 point)










Which effect did continued trade with Egypt have on Kush civilization?

(1 point)

Kushites adopted many elements of Egyptian culture.

Kushites adopted many elements of Egyptian culture.

Kushites learned to navigate the Nile River.

Kushites learned to navigate the Nile River.

Kushites stopped trading with other African kingdoms.

Kushites stopped trading with other African kingdoms.

Kushites wanted to leave their country and move to Egypt.

Kushites adopted many elements of Egyptian culture.

Look at this ancient Egyptian tomb painting.

An image of ancient Egyptian tomb art is shown. Depicted in the picture are baskets full of grapes, workers processing the grapes into wine, and wild animals grazing on a tree.

Select the correct response from the drop-down menu.

(1 point)
The purpose of tomb paintings was to

The purpose of tomb paintings was to depict scenes and activities that would be beneficial and enjoyable for the deceased in the afterlife.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

In order to construct the pyramids, the Egyptians needed to be proficient in engineering and

In order to construct the pyramids, the Egyptians needed to be proficient in engineering and mathematics.

How did Hatshepsut change Egypt during her reign as pharaoh?

(1 point)

She expanded Egypt by engaging in wars of conquest.

She expanded Egypt by engaging in wars of conquest.

She founded a new dynasty that ruled Egypt for generations.

She founded a new dynasty that ruled Egypt for generations.

She established Alexandria as a major center of learning.

She established Alexandria as a major center of learning.

She increased Egypt's wealth by expanding trade.

She increased Egypt's wealth by expanding trade.

How did its location help Kush become a powerful kingdom?

(1 point)

It created competition with the powerful Egyptian kingdom.

It created competition with the powerful Egyptian kingdom.

It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt.

It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt.

It allowed the Kushites to grow enough food to be self-sufficient.

It allowed the Kushites to grow enough food to be self-sufficient.

It allowed the Kushites to travel by boat, which was faster than by foot.

It provided a trading link between Africa south of the Sahara and Egypt.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

In ancient Egypt, those responsible for using hieroglyphics to record important information and maintain records were called

In ancient Egypt, those responsible for using hieroglyphics to record important information and maintain records were called scribes.

What were the advantages of establishing MeroΓ« as the new capital of Kush?

(1 point)

MeroΓ« was located near iron deposits and trade routes.

MeroΓ« was located near iron deposits and trade routes.

MeroΓ« received less rain and flooding than Napata.

MeroΓ« received less rain and flooding than Napata.

MeroΓ« was a safer distance from the Nile.

MeroΓ« was a safer distance from the Nile.

MeroΓ« had fewer natural resources but was farther from Egypt.

The advantages of establishing MeroΓ« as the new capital of Kush were:

- MeroΓ« was located near iron deposits and trade routes.
- MeroΓ« received less rain and flooding than Napata.

witch one

MeroΓ« was located near iron deposits and trade routes.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

As Egypt established trade with Kush, the two areas began to develop ___________ , in which they relied on one another for goods and shared ideas.

As Egypt established trade with Kush, the two areas began to develop interdependence, in which they relied on one another for goods and shared ideas.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

In order to overcome death, Egyptians believed that they needed to

In order to overcome death, Egyptians believed that they needed to preserve their bodies through mummification and perform rituals and offerings to ensure a successful journey to the afterlife.

What is the correct order of the social structure of ancient Egypt? Place the highest group at the top and the lowest group at the bottom.

(1 point)
Arrange responses in the correct order to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired position and insert response at that position. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can be moved using the up and down arrow keys or by dragging with a mouse.

The correct order of the social structure of ancient Egypt, from highest to lowest, is as follows:

1. Pharaoh
2. Nobles/Priests
3. Scribes
4. Soldiers/Warriors
5. Craftsmen/Artisans
6. Farmers/Peasants
7. Servants/Slaves

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

The soil of the Nile River Valley is best characterized as

The soil of the Nile River Valley is best characterized as fertile.

Read the story of Horus and Seth. Which sentence explains the significance of this story to ancient Egyptians?

(1 point)
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As an AI text-based model, I don't have the ability to read specific stories or access external content. However, the story of Horus and Seth was significant to ancient Egyptians as it represented the struggle between good and evil, order and chaos, and the rightful succession of a pharaoh. The story emphasized the importance of maintaining ma'at (cosmic balance and harmony) and the divine authority of the pharaoh.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

Because there was less land to farm in Kush than in Egypt,

Because there was less land to farm in Kush than in Egypt, agriculture in Kush relied heavily on the cultivation of sorghum, millet, and other drought-resistant crops.

How did the development of hieroglyphics and the invention of papyrus lead to the growth of civilization in Egypt and contribute to the growth of other civilizations?

(4 points)

The development of hieroglyphics and the invention of papyrus played crucial roles in the growth of civilization in Egypt and contributed to the growth of other civilizations in the following ways:

1. Communication and Record-Keeping: Hieroglyphics provided a system of writing that allowed Egyptians to communicate complex ideas, record historical events, and maintain administrative records. This facilitated organized governance, trade, and cultural development within Egypt. The ability to keep written records also allowed for the transmission of knowledge and information across generations, contributing to the growth of other civilizations that interacted with Egypt.

2. Cultural Exchange and Trade: The invention of papyrus, a writing material made from the reeds of the Nile, made the production of written documents more accessible and affordable. This facilitated the exchange of ideas, literature, and trade between Egypt and other civilizations in the ancient world. Papyrus scrolls containing valuable knowledge, religious texts, and literature were exported, enhancing cultural exchange and enabling the spread of Egyptian influence and ideas beyond its borders.

3. Technological Advancement: The development of hieroglyphics required significant advancements in writing materials and tools. The creation of durable and portable papyrus scrolls allowed for the mass production and dissemination of written works. This technological advancement not only promoted literacy and intellectual development in Egypt but also inspired other civilizations to develop their own writing systems and methods of documentation.

4. Legacy and Influence: The enduring legacy of Egyptian hieroglyphics and papyrus extended far beyond the time of the ancient Egyptians. The deciphering of hieroglyphics in modern times has contributed to a greater understanding of ancient Egyptian history, culture, and religion. Additionally, the influence of Egyptian writing and paper-making techniques can be seen in the subsequent development of writing systems and paper in other civilizations, including those of the Greek, Roman, and Islamic empires.

Overall, the development of hieroglyphics and the invention of papyrus revolutionized communication, record-keeping, cultural exchange, and intellectual growth in Egypt and had a profound impact on the development of other civilizations in the ancient world.

How were Egyptian farmers able to produce enough food to create a surplus?

(4 points)

Egyptian farmers were able to produce enough food to create a surplus through several key factors:

1. The Nile River: The annual flooding of the Nile River deposited rich silt onto the floodplain, creating fertile soil ideal for agriculture. This natural irrigation and nutrient replenishment allowed farmers to cultivate crops throughout the year, maximizing their yield.

2. Irrigation Systems: The Egyptians developed sophisticated irrigation systems, such as canals, dikes, and reservoirs, to control the flow of water from the Nile to their fields. This allowed them to irrigate and cultivate crops in areas farther away from the river, expanding the arable land available for farming.

3. Crop Rotation: Egyptian farmers practiced crop rotation, alternating the cultivation of different crops in different seasons or years. This helped to replenish the soil and prevent nutrient depletion, ensuring continuous productivity and higher yields.

4. Agricultural Techniques: The Egyptians employed various advanced agricultural techniques, including plowing, ing, and weeding to maximize crop growth. They also utilized domesticated animals, such as oxen, for plowing and transportation, further enhancing their agricultural productivity.

5. Government Support: The ancient Egyptian government recognized the vital role of agriculture in sustaining the population and the economy. They implemented policies to support farmers, including the allocation of agricultural land, regulation of irrigation, and provision of loans and tools.

By harnessing the fertile land and the Nile's resources, implementing advanced agricultural techniques, and receiving government support, Egyptian farmers were able to produce surplus food beyond their immediate needs. This surplus not only sustained their own population but also allowed for trade, economic growth, and the development of a complex society in ancient Egypt.