Data from a data table




not usable in CER

The term "data from a data table" is not usable in CER as it is redundant. "Data" already implies information obtained from a data table or any other source. Therefore, including "data from a data table" would be repetitive and unnecessary.

Stating an answer to a specific question




not usable in CER

While stating an answer to a specific question can be a part of a CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) framework, it is important to note that simply stating an answer without supporting evidence and reasoning may not be sufficient. In a CER, the claim is the answer to the question, the evidence supports the claim by providing data or observations, and the reasoning explains the logical connection between the evidence and the claim. Therefore, just stating an answer without providing evidence and reasoning would not be considered a complete CER.

Observations from an experiment in class




not usable in CER

Observations from an experiment in class can be used in a CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) framework. In this case, the observations would serve as the evidence to support the claim. The claim would be a statement or conclusion based on the observations made during the experiment. The reasoning would then explain the logical connection between the evidence and the claim, providing the explanation or interpretation of the data. Therefore, observations from an experiment in class can be used effectively in a CER.

Facts from a scientific article




not usable in CER

Facts from a scientific article can certainly be used in a CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) framework. In this case, the facts from the scientific article would serve as the evidence to support the claim. The claim would be a statement or conclusion based on the facts presented in the article. The reasoning would then explain the logical connection between the evidence (facts) and the claim, providing explanation, interpretation, or analysis. Therefore, facts from a scientific article can be effectively utilized in a CER.

My personal opinion




not usable in CER

Your personal opinion can be used in a CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) framework, but it is important to differentiate between personal opinion and objective evidence. While your opinion can function as the claim or conclusion, it is necessary to support it with evidence - either empirical data, research, or credible sources. The evidence provides the foundation for your claim, and the reasoning then explains the logical connection between the evidence and the claim, providing a logical argument or explanation. However, it is crucial to avoid relying solely on personal opinion as evidence, as it may lack objectivity and relevance. Including well-supported evidence is necessary to have a strong and valid CER.

Should only be one sentence long




not usable in CER

The statement "Should only be one sentence long" is not accurate when it comes to a CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) framework. Each component of a CER is expected to be more than just one sentence long. The claim should be a clear and concise statement that requires support and explanation. The evidence should provide data, facts, or examples that support the claim. The reasoning should then explain the logical connection between the evidence and the claim. Therefore, in order to effectively present a CER, each component typically requires more than one sentence to convey the necessary information.

An explanation that shows how the evidence supports the claim




not usable in CER

I apologize for the confusion. An explanation that shows how the evidence supports the claim is, in fact, an essential part of the CER (claim, evidence, reasoning) framework. The claim serves as the statement or conclusion you are trying to support. The evidence consists of the data, facts, or examples that support the claim. The reasoning then explains the logical connection between the evidence and the claim, demonstrating how the evidence supports the claim. This explanation is critical to establishing a coherent argument and providing a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between the claim and the evidence. Therefore, an explanation showing how the evidence supports the claim is a crucial element of a CER.