The Frisco Falcons Soccer Team won 3/5

of their soccer games.

What percentage is equivalent to the fraction of games the Falcons won?

A 35%35%
B 60%60%
C 45%45%
D 50%50%

To find the percentage equivalent to the fraction 3/5, you can divide the numerator (3) by the denominator (5) and then multiply by 100.

(3/5) * 100 = 60%

Therefore, the correct answer is B) 60%.

Which value is equivalent to 3/10


To find an equivalent value to 3/10, we can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 1 in this case.

3 ÷ 1 = 3
10 ÷ 1 = 10

Therefore, the simplified fraction is 3/10 itself. So, the equivalent value to 3/10 is 3/10.

how to make my foot that fell asleep not feel weird

To alleviate the "weird" feeling in your foot that has fallen asleep, you can try the following steps:

1. Gently move your foot: Start by wiggling your toes and then gradually move your foot in a circular motion. This helps to stimulate blood flow and awaken the nerves.

2. Massage your foot: Use your hands or fingers to massage your foot gently. Begin with light strokes and gradually increase pressure to increase circulation and relieve the tingling sensation.

3. Walk around: Stand up and try to walk around to encourage blood flow to your foot. Be cautious as you may experience some initial discomfort or unsteadiness due to limited sensation.

4. Apply warmth: You can use a warm towel or soak your foot in warm water to promote circulation. Ensure the water is not too hot, as you may have reduced sensitivity, which can lead to burns.

5. Avoid pressure or tight footwear: Give your foot some time to fully recover and avoid putting excessive pressure on it. Wear loose-fitting or comfortable footwear until the tingling sensation fully subsides.

Keep in mind that the sensation may take some time to fully go away. If the feeling persists or if you frequently experience numbness or tingling in your feet, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

Landry took a survey of all the sixth-grade students at Irvine Park Middle School and discovered that 35% of sixth-graders play sports.

What fraction of sixth-graders play sports?

To determine the fraction of sixth-graders who play sports, we need to convert the percentage to a fraction.

The percentage 35% can be written as 35/100. However, to simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 5 in this case.

35 ÷ 5 = 7
100 ÷ 5 = 20

Therefore, the fraction equivalent to 35% is 7/20. This means that 7 out of every 20 sixth-graders play sports.

Which set of numbers are equivalent?

A 3%, 0.3, 3100
3%, 0.3, 3 100
B 20%, 0.2, 210
20%, 0.2, 2 10
C 40%, 0.4, 4100
40%, 0.4, 4 100
D 50%, 0.05, 510

The correct set of numbers that are equivalent is:

A) 3%, 0.3, 3100

- The percentage 3% can be written as the decimal 0.03 (which is not listed in the set).
- The decimal 0.3 is equivalent to 30% (not 3%).
- The number 3100 is not equivalent to either 3% or 0.3.

Therefore, option A does not contain a complete set of equivalent numbers.

Out of the given options, none of them contain a set of numbers that are truly equivalent.

Which set of numbers are equivalent?

A 3310
, 0.33, 33%33 10 , 0.33, 33%
B 147
, 0.47, 47%1 47 , 0.47, 47%
C 14
, 0.25, 25%1 4 , 0.25, 25%
D 1200
, 0.20, 20%1 200 , 0.20, 20%

The correct set of numbers that are equivalent is:

C) 14, 0.25, 25%

- The number 14 is equivalent to the decimal 0.14 (not 0.25 or 25%).
- The decimal 0.25 is equivalent to 25% (not 14 or 0.14).
- The percentage 25% is equivalent to the decimal 0.25 (not 14 or 0.14).

Therefore, option C contains a complete set of equivalent numbers with 14, 0.25, and 25%.