Which of the following best explains why direct democracy worked in ancient Athens

The council controlled the work of assembly.

People were paid to take part in government

The citys state population of citizens was small

free people could vote and hold office

The city's state population of citizens was small is the best explanation for why direct democracy worked in ancient Athens.

which group of ancient greek women had greater freedom

Among ancient Greek women, the group that had greater freedom was the Spartan women.

How did Greek Scientists change the way people viewed and understood the natural world around them? How did common Greeks explain natural events prior to scientific explanations

Greek scientists, such as Aristotle and Hippocrates, changed the way people viewed and understood the natural world around them through their observation, experimentation, and development of scientific theories. They introduced rational explanations and encouraged a more systematic approach to understanding natural phenomena.

Prior to scientific explanations, common Greeks often explained natural events through mythology and religion. They believed that gods and goddesses controlled various aspects of nature, and natural occurrences were attributed to divine intervention or the whims of these deities. For example, thunderstorms were thought to be caused by the wrath of Zeus, the god of thunder and lightning, while earthquakes were believed to be the work of Poseidon, the god of the sea.

The introduction of scientific explanations challenged these religious and mythical understandings. Greek scientists sought naturalistic explanations for phenomena, studying and analyzing the world around them to uncover cause-and-effect relationships. They started questioning traditional beliefs and proposed new theories based on evidence and observations. This shift in thinking led to a more rational and empirical understanding of the natural world and laid the groundwork for modern scientific thinking.

rank and describe the social classes of Ancient Greece

In Ancient Greece, society was traditionally organized into distinct social classes. These classes varied slightly from city-state to city-state, but generally, the social hierarchy consisted of the following ranks:

1. Aristocracy/Nobility: At the top of the social ladder were the aristocrats or nobles. They were landowning elites who enjoyed privileges and held significant political power. Aristocrats traced their ancestry back to noble families and often gained wealth and influence through their military prowess or inherited land.

2. Middle Class: The middle class consisted of free citizens who were neither wealthy aristocrats nor poor laborers. This included prosperous merchants, skilled craftsmen, traders, and some farmers. They enjoyed more modest wealth and status compared to the aristocracy but had greater economic stability compared to the lower classes.

3. Free Laborers: Below the middle class were the free laborers, who were mainly farmers and workers. They were free citizens who owned their small plots of land or worked as laborers for others. These individuals had limited political power but enjoyed more personal freedom and autonomy compared to slaves.

4. Lower Class/Peasants: The lower class comprised the poorest and most disadvantaged members of society. Peasants were small-scale farmers who struggled to make ends meet. They often worked on the land owned by aristocrats or middle-class citizens and were economically dependent on their landlords. They had limited political rights and were vulnerable to economic hardships.

5. Slaves: Slavery was an integral part of Ancient Greek society. Slaves were considered property rather than citizens and had no personal freedom or rights. They were owned by individuals or the state and were used for various tasks, including household chores, agriculture, and manual labor. Slaves had no social standing or political power.

It's important to note that these social classes were not fixed, and there could be some upward or downward mobility depending on individual circumstances or certain city-state policies. However, social status was predominantly based on birth and wealth, with limited avenues for social mobility in Ancient Greece.

Rosie buys her favorite hot chocolate from a hot chocolate shop. she pays $5.00 and gets 20 oz cup what is the unit rate price per ounce for her hot chocolate

To find the unit rate price per ounce for Rosie's hot chocolate, we divide the total cost ($5.00) by the total number of ounces in the cup (20).

Unit rate price per ounce = Total cost / Total ounces
Unit rate price per ounce = $5.00 / 20 ounces

Simplifying the calculation:
Unit rate price per ounce = $0.25 per ounce

Therefore, the unit rate price per ounce for Rosie's hot chocolate is $0.25.

FInd the quotient of 1/2 and 12/7

To find the quotient of 1/2 and 12/7, we need to divide 1/2 by 12/7.

Dividing fractions involves multiplying the dividend (numerator) by the reciprocal of the divisor (denominator).

Quotient = (1/2) ÷ (12/7)
Quotient = (1/2) × (7/12)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators:
Quotient = (1 × 7) / (2 × 12)
Quotient = 7/24

Therefore, the quotient of 1/2 and 12/7 is 7/24.

what is 5/6 divided by 6/7

To divide fractions, we need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

So, 5/6 divided by 6/7 is:

(5/6) * (7/6)

Multiplying the numerators and denominators:

(5 * 7) / (6 * 6) = 35/36

Therefore, 5/6 divided by 6/7 is equal to 35/36.

Desiree is making guacamole for a party. The recipe she is using calls for 1/4 cup limp juice every 4 avocados. if she plans to use 1 cup of lime juice, how many avocados does she need

Since the recipe calls for 1/4 cup of lime juice for every 4 avocados, we can conclude that for 1 cup (which is 4 times larger) of lime juice, we will need 4 times as many avocados.

1 cup of lime juice corresponds to:

4 * 4 = 16 avocados

Therefore, Desiree will need 16 avocados to make guacamole using 1 cup of lime juice.

Rubio decides he is going to walk to his friends house, which is 1 mile from his house. he can walk 2/3 mile in 16 minutes. at this rate how long will it take for him to get to his friends house

To determine the time it will take for Rubio to get to his friend's house, we need to set up a proportion using the given information.

Rubio can walk 2/3 mile in 16 minutes. Let's calculate the rate of walking per minute:

Rate of walking per minute = Distance / Time
Rate of walking per minute = (2/3 mile) / (16 minutes)
Rate of walking per minute = 1/24 mile per minute

Since his friend's house is 1 mile away, we can now calculate the time it will take for Rubio to walk that distance:

Time = Distance / Rate
Time = 1 mile / (1/24 mile per minute)

Simplifying the calculation:
Time = 1 mile * (24/1)
Time = 24 minutes

Therefore, it will take Rubio approximately 24 minutes to walk to his friend's house.

joire bought 3 1/2 pounds of apples to share equally among 20 people. what is the unit rate of pounds of apples per person write your answer in fraction form

To find the unit rate of pounds of apples per person, we need to divide the total weight of apples (3 1/2 pounds) by the number of people (20).

Unit rate of pounds of apples per person = Total weight of apples / Number of people
Unit rate of pounds of apples per person = (3 1/2 pounds) / 20

To divide fractions, we need to convert the mixed number 3 1/2 to an improper fraction.

3 1/2 can be written as 7/2.

Unit rate of pounds of apples per person = (7/2 pounds) / 20

Now, let's divide these fractions:

Unit rate of pounds of apples per person = (7/2 pounds) / 20
Unit rate of pounds of apples per person = (7/2 pounds) * (1/20)
Unit rate of pounds of apples per person = 7/40

Therefore, the unit rate of pounds of apples per person is 7/40.

a human operated spaceship reaches the moon in 3 days. The moon is about 386,400 km from Earth. mars, our closest planetary neighbor, is, at its closest, about 140 times farther away from us than the moon if mars stays in place. assuming a very simple model of the solar system, about how long would it take that same spaceship to reach mars

If the spaceship takes 3 days to reach the moon, and Mars is about 140 times farther away from Earth than the moon, we can estimate the approximate time it would take to reach Mars by multiplying the time taken to reach the moon by the ratio of the distances.

Let's calculate:

Time to reach Mars = Time to reach the moon * (Distance to Mars / Distance to the moon)

Time to reach Mars = 3 days * (140)

Time to reach Mars = 420 days

Therefore, using this simplified model, it would take approximately 420 days for the same spaceship to reach Mars.

give the answer in years

To express the answer in years, we need to divide the time in days by the number of days in a year.

Let's calculate:

Time to reach Mars = 420 days / 365 days per year

Time to reach Mars ≈ 1.15 years

Therefore, using this simplified model, it would take approximately 1.15 years for the same spaceship to reach Mars.

use these responses

about 1 year
about 7.5 years
about 22.5 years
about 2.5 years

I apologize for the confusion. Based on the given information, it would take approximately 7.5 years for the same spaceship to reach Mars.

Which list of places requires semicolons instead of commas?

Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Agrentina, Peru, and Bolivia.
Sacramento, California, Denver, Colorado, Phoenix, Arizona, and santa fe, New mexico
Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia
North dakota, South dakota, north Carolina, south carolina, and west Virginia

The list of places that requires semicolons instead of commas is:

North Dakota; South Dakota; North Carolina; South Carolina; and West Virginia.