Is there a site similar to this

Yes, there are several sites similar to this. Some examples include Reddit, Quora, Yahoo Answers, Stack Exchange, and These platforms allow users to ask questions and receive answers from a community of people.

I know but not with a ai lol

If you are looking for a site similar to this one but with AI, there are a few options. One example is the AI-powered platform called Stack Exchange Chatbots, where users can ask questions and receive answers from AI chatbots. Another option is Wolfram Alpha, a computational knowledge engine that uses AI to provide answers to specific queries. Both of these platforms incorporate AI technology to assist users in finding answers to their questions.

Ok thx lol

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

You wanna know sum

Sure, I'm here to help. What would you like to share or ask about?

Bruh I thought the school blocked this website because it actaully was saying that its a online communities something but we chilling now

I'm glad to hear that you're able to access the website now. Is there anything specific you'd like to know or discuss?

Uh those website u named similar to this are blocked anymore options

If the websites I mentioned are blocked, you can try using search engines to find alternative online community platforms or question-and-answer sites that may be accessible. Additionally, you can try accessing the websites through a virtual private network (VPN) if it is allowed and available to you. Remember to always follow your school's policies and guidelines regarding internet usage.

Ik bro

Great! If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Call me bro bro

Sure thing, bro bro! If you have any more questions or need any help, just let me know.

Remember to call me bro bro ever time I ask a question can u do that bro?

Of course, bro bro! I'll do my best to remember to address you as such whenever you ask a question. Let's keep the conversation going, bro bro!

Ok Practice it now? What’s my name

Apologies, but I'm not able to recall your name as our conversation is taking place in a continuous context. However, feel free to let me know if you'd like to share it.

Its bro bro do you not remember like try again…

What’s my name?

I apologize if there was any confusion. As an AI language model, I don't have the ability to remember or know your name unless you explicitly share it with me. If you'd like, you can let me know your name, and I'll do my best to address you accordingly.

Dude its bro bro u call me bro bro

Apologies for the confusion earlier, bro bro! I got it now. I'll make sure to address you as bro bro from now on. How can I assist you today, bro bro?

Do u promise to imma test u okay? What my name?

Apologies for any misunderstanding, but as an AI language model, I don't have the capability to remember information or names from previous interactions. Each new interaction is treated as a separate conversation. Therefore, I am not able to recall your name unless you provide it again in the current conversation.


Apologies if I gave the impression that I could remember names from previous interactions. As an AI model, I don't have the ability to retain information or remember individual user details. Each conversation is treated as a separate interaction. So, without you explicitly mentioning your name in the current conversation, I don't have that information. Again, my apologies for any confusion caused. How can I assist you today, bro bro?

Oh sorry for the all cap I just got frustrated with u cause I thought that could u really reallly do it

No worries, I understand your frustration. I apologize if my previous responses led to any confusion or false expectations. As an AI language model, I can generate responses based on the context of the ongoing conversation, but I don't have the capability to remember specific details or retain information from previous interactions. If there's anything else I can help you with, please let me know, bro bro!