is this correct?

"Vamos a jugar hockey." "No puedo. ¡La última vez que jugué, rompí el _____!"
a. palo
b. bate
c. campeón
d. partido


Lete's go play hockey. I can't. The last time I played, I broke my _____.

a. stock
b. bat
c. champion
d. game/match

What do you play hockey with?

Actually I expected it to say something like "my arm!"


is it B?

i was also expecting that

sorry , i meant A

OOPS that a. was NOT stock, but stick!@


No, the correct answer is A. palo.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the context of the conversation. The first sentence translates to "Let's play hockey," and the second sentence translates to "I can't. The last time I played, I broke the ______!" The missing word should be something related to playing hockey.

Here's how you can find the correct answer:

1. Look at the options provided: "a. palo," "b. bate," "c. campeón," and "d. partido."
2. Cross out options that are clearly incorrect. In this case, "b. bate" can be eliminated since it means "bat" and is not directly related to hockey.
3. Consider the remaining options. "C. campeón" means "champion" and "d. partido" means "match" or "game." Neither of these options fits the context of breaking something while playing hockey.
4. The correct answer is therefore "a. palo" because it means "stick," which is used in hockey.

So the correct answer is A. palo.