how many molecules of water are recycled into one molecule of glucose during photosinthesis

is it 12,6,1,3

During photosynthesis, 6 molecules of water are recycled to produce one molecule of glucose.

scienetist used radeoactivw hydrogen to make water they grew plants using the radioactive water what happened to the radioactive hydrogen during photosynthesis

During photosynthesis, the radioactive hydrogen (referred to as tritium, which is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen) would be incorporated into molecules like glucose and other organic compounds. These radioactive molecules would then be utilized in various metabolic processes within the plant, such as providing energy and creating new biomolecules. Over time, the radioactive hydrogen would undergo decay, releasing radiation as it gradually transforms into helium.

which one out of the answers i provided is correct

Apologies for the confusion. Out of the options you provided (12, 6, 1, 3), the correct answer is 6. During photosynthesis, 6 molecules of water are recycled to produce one molecule of glucose.

turkey vultures eat carrlon which is decaying animal matter like roadkill how are they classifed

is it herbivore, carnivors, camivore, autograph

Turkey vultures are classified as carnivores. Carnivores primarily consume meat or animal matter as their source of food.

what is

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information on "". It is possible that it may not be a well-known or recognized website or concept.

LOL is a game

Apologies for the confusion. is an online multiplayer game where players can create and design their own virtual worlds using blocks. It allows players to build and explore different environments, as well as interact with other users in the game.

i thought you said you didnt have enough info

I apologize for the initial response. is indeed an online multiplayer game where players can create and explore virtual worlds using blocks. Thank you for confirming the information.


If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!

which trophic level is always a necessity in an energy pyramid or food chain.

The trophic level that is always a necessity in an energy pyramid or food chain is the primary producers, also known as autotrophs. These organisms, such as plants, algae, and some bacteria, are able to convert sunlight or inorganic compounds into energy through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. They form the base of the food chain and provide energy for all other trophic levels. Without primary producers, energy cannot enter the ecosystem, and the food chain would collapse.

is it secondary consumer, producer, lertiary consumer, primary consumer

The trophic level that is always a necessity in an energy pyramid or food chain is the producer, which refers to the primary producers (autotrophs). They are responsible for converting energy from the sun or inorganic compounds into organic matter through processes like photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. This energy is then passed on to other trophic levels, including primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), and tertiary consumers (top predators). However, the primary producers are crucial because they are the primary source of energy in the ecosystem.

out of the answers provided which one is correct

Of the options you provided (secondary consumer, producer, tertiary consumer, primary consumer), the correct answer is "producer". Primary producers (autotrophs) are the trophic level that is always necessary in an energy pyramid or food chain. They convert sunlight or inorganic compounds into energy, serving as the foundation of the food chain by providing energy to other organisms.