for my history assignment i have to write about immigration...i'm writing how immigration is good for the United States.

can some one please give me some points on its benefits and drawbacks. so i can include it in my writing.
thanks to anyone who can help :)

Please study the information in your book. If you post your ideas, we'll be glad to comment.

i believe that legal immigration is good for the U.S. and throughout the centuries it has had a very positive effect in leading U.S. to where it is today

advantages:It attracts people who have qualifications which are not abundantly and readily available in U.S thus increasing the brain power of the country.
it attracts people of different countries and cultures enabling the U.S to be what is called a melting pot of the world where all the cultures can be seen.
it promotes harmony between people of different parts of world when they live together.
it promotes cultural enhancement and knowledge.
it helps the economy in a lots of ways to increase the tax base, increase competitiveness and the wealth of the country.
it gives U.S the advantage over the world in economic terms due to the size of the country because of it’s population.
it increases consumer spending and wealth.
it allows all the parts of the country to be inhabited and for their economies to flourish.
it unites families that are in different part of the world in one country.
It creates a better political condition in the country with the involvement of different people from different parts of the world.

disadvantages:It results in over population and lack of resources.

It can result in people having criminal background and malifide intentions to enter the country.
It results in less protection of the borders of the country.
It makes the job of the Federal government and it’s agencies who monitor and process documents more difficult.
It gives disadvantage to those who have been living here for a long time since the new comes are willing to compromise on wages and lifestyle.
It results in overcrowding of metropolitan areas.
It results in increase criminal activities.
It can result in un-even distribution of state resources amongst communities.
It creates tensions between communities who see the immigrants as encroachers on their resources.
It results in the wealth of the country to a certain extent being transferred overseas by the immigrants to their home land and families.


Sure! I can help you with that. When writing about the benefits and drawbacks of immigration, it's important to consider multiple perspectives and gather information from credible sources. Here are some points to help you get started:

Benefits of Immigration:
1. Economic growth: Immigrants often contribute to the economy by starting businesses, paying taxes, and filling labor market gaps.
2. Innovation and entrepreneurship: Immigrants have historically played a key role in driving innovation and starting successful businesses.
3. Cultural diversity and enrichment: Immigration adds to the cultural fabric of the United States, bringing diverse perspectives, traditions, and values.
4. Knowledge and skills: Immigrants often possess unique skills and qualifications that can enhance various sectors of the economy, such as science, technology, engineering, and healthcare.
5. Demographic balance: Immigration can help address issues related to an aging population and labor force shortages.

Drawbacks of Immigration:
1. Job competition: Some argue that immigrants can compete with native-born workers for employment, potentially leading to lower wages or unemployment in certain industries.
2. Strain on public resources: Critics argue that immigration places a burden on public services such as healthcare, education, and welfare, potentially affecting the quality and accessibility of these services.
3. Cultural assimilation challenges: Cultural differences and potential language barriers can create social and assimilation challenges for both immigrants and the host society.
4. Security concerns: Immigration policy and enforcement must address potential security risks, such as terrorism or organized crime.
5. Brain drain: In some cases, immigration can lead to the emigration of highly skilled professionals from their home countries, negatively impacting those nations' development.

Remember, this is just a starting point for your research. To fully develop your argument, explore reputable sources, gather data, and consider counterarguments. Good luck with your assignment!