What is the difference between an equation and an expression? Include an example of each. Can you solve for a variable in an expression? Explain. Can you solve for a variable in an equation? Explain. Write a mathematical phrase or sentence for your classmates to translate.


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4 more than twice a number is 8

An equation and an expression are both fundamental concepts in algebra, but they have distinct meanings and properties.

An equation is a mathematical statement that consists of two expressions separated by an equals sign (=). It states that the expressions on both sides are equal. Equations are used to find the values of unknowns. For example, consider the equation "2x + 5 = 11." Here, 2x + 5 and 11 are two expressions, and the equals sign signifies that they are equal. To find the value of x, you would need to manipulate the equation using algebraic techniques until x is isolated on one side of the equation.

On the other hand, an expression is a combination of numbers, variables, and operations without an equals sign. It represents a value or a computation. Expressions can be simplified or evaluated but cannot be solved for an unknown variable. For instance, the expression "3x + 7" is a combination of numbers (3, 7), a variable (x), and an operation (+). It represents a value that depends on the value of x, but it cannot be solved for x itself.

In an expression, you cannot solve for the variable because it does not have an equals sign. You can only simplify or evaluate the expression. For example, if we have the expression "2x + 4," we can evaluate it by substituting a value for x. If x = 3, then the expression becomes 2(3) +4 = 10. However, we cannot find a specific value for x that would make the expression equal to a given number.

In contrast, in an equation, you can solve for the variable. By using algebraic operations, you can manipulate the equation to isolate the variable on one side. For example, in the equation "2x + 5 = 11," you can solve for x by subtracting 5 from both sides, which gives you 2x = 6. Then, by dividing both sides by 2, you find that x = 3. Solving the equation allows you to determine the value(s) of x that make the equation true.

Mathematical phrase or sentence for translation: "The sum of twice a number and five is equal to nine."