A telephone company charges initially $0.50 and then $0.11 for every minute. Write an expression that gives the cost of a call that lasts N minutes

The expression that gives the cost of a call that lasts N minutes is:

0.50 + 0.11N

Charles has some money in his pocket. He decided to count it up to see how much he has. He has a two hundred pounds notes, three fifty pounds notes, seven five pounds notes and six one pounds coins. How much dose he have?

To calculate how much money Charles has, we need to multiply the number of each type of note or coin by their respective value and then add up all the values.

The value of a two hundred pounds note is £200, so multiplying the number of two hundred pounds notes by their value gives us: 2 x £200 = £400.

The value of a fifty pounds note is £50, so multiplying the number of fifty pounds notes by their value gives us: 3 x £50 = £150.

The value of a five pounds note is £5, so multiplying the number of five pounds notes by their value gives us: 7 x £5 = £35.

The value of a one pound coin is £1, so multiplying the number of one pound coins by their value gives us: 6 x £1 = £6.

Adding up all the values, Charles has:

£400 + £150 + £35 + £6 = £591

Therefore, Charles has £591.

How do you write 0.36 in words?

In words, 0.36 is pronounced as "thirty-six hundredths."

The angle at a point is

The angle at a point is 360 degrees.

The scale of a map is lcm to 15cm. What is the distance on land if the length from the P to point Q on the map is 30cm

To find the distance on land given the scale of the map, we can set up a proportion.

The scale of the map is lcm to 15cm, which can be written as:

1cm on the map represents lcm on land.

Let's represent the distance on land as "x" (in cm). According to the proportion:

1cm / lcm = 30cm / x

Cross-multiplying gives us:

x = (lcm * 30) / 1

Since lcm is not specified in the question, we cannot determine the exact distance on land without knowing the value of lcm.

A room 7m long, 4m wide and 3.3m high. Find the total area of the walls

To find the total area of the walls, we need to calculate the area of each individual wall and then sum them up.

The room has six walls - four side walls, one front wall, and one back wall.

1. The area of each side wall can be calculated by multiplying the height of the room (3.3m) by the length of the wall (7m). So, the total area of the four side walls is 4 * (7 * 3.3) = 91.2 square meters.

2. The area of the front and back walls can be calculated by multiplying the height of the room (3.3m) by the width of the wall (4m). So, the total area of the two front and back walls is 2 * (4 * 3.3) = 26.4 square meters.

To find the total area of the walls, we can sum up the area of the four side walls and the area of the two front and back walls:

Total area of the walls = Area of side walls + Area of front and back walls
= 91.2 + 26.4
= 117.6 square meters

Therefore, the total area of the walls in the room is 117.6 square meters.

If 2× _3=5, what is ×

To solve for ×, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation.

Given that 2× _3 = 5, we want to get × by itself.

First, we can move the -3 to the other side of the equation by adding 3 to both sides:

2× = 5 + 3
2× = 8

Next, we can solve for × by dividing both sides of the equation by 2:

× = 8 ÷ 2
× = 4

Therefore, × equals 4.

After eating 4/9 of a cake, how much more must be eaten so as to leave 1/4?

To find out how much more of the cake must be eaten to leave 1/4, we need to subtract the fraction that has already been eaten from 1/4.

Given that 4/9 of the cake has already been eaten, we need to find out how much more must be eaten to leave 1/4.

To find the remaining fraction of the cake, we subtract 4/9 from 1/4:

1/4 - 4/9

To perform this subtraction, we need to have a common denominator. The least common multiple of 4 and 9 is 36. Let's convert the fractions to have a common denominator of 36:

1/4 = 9/36
4/9 = 16/36

Now we can subtract the two fractions:

9/36 - 16/36

To subtract, we subtract the numerators while keeping the denominator the same:

(9 - 16)/36 = -7/36

The result is -7/36, which means that after eating 4/9 of the cake, there is still 7/36 left to be eaten to leave 1/4.

How many degrees are there on a straight line

On a straight line, there are 180 degrees. This is because a straight line forms a straight angle, which is a half-circle. And since a full circle has 360 degrees, a straight line has half of that, which is 180 degrees.

Triple 8 and halve the answer

To triple 8, we multiply it by 3:

8 * 3 = 24

To halve the answer, we divide it by 2:
24 / 2 = 12

Therefore, triple 8 and halve the answer is 12.

A certain number was divided by 17 and the answer was 128 and a remainder of 13. What was the number

To find the unknown number, we can set up an equation using the given information.

Let's call the unknown number "x". According to the given information, when x is divided by 17, the quotient is 128 and the remainder is 13.

We can express this information as the following equation:

x = 17 * 128 + 13

Now, we solve for x:

x = 2176 + 13
x = 2189

Therefore, the unknown number is 2189.