Convert 632

to a decimal using long division.

632 ÷ 10 = 63 remainder 2

63 ÷ 10 = 6 remainder 3
6 ÷ 10 = 0 remainder 6

Therefore, 632 in decimal form is 63.2.

Convert 6/32

to a decimal using long division.

6 ÷ 32 = 0 remainder 6

Adding a decimal point and zero to the right of the remainder:
60 ÷ 32 = 1 remainder 28
Adding a zero to the right of the remainder again:
280 ÷ 32 = 8 remainder 16
Adding another zero:
160 ÷ 32 = 5 remainder 0

Therefore, 6/32 in decimal form is 0.1875.

The decimal 0.037 can be written as which fraction?

To write the decimal 0.037 as a fraction, we count the number of decimal places and express the decimal as a numerator over a denominator that is a power of 10.

Since 0.037 has three decimal places, the denominator will be 10 raised to the power of 3, which is 1000.

0.037 = 37/1000

Therefore, 0.037 can be written as the fraction 37/1000.

What is 0.32 expressed as a simplified fraction?

To write 0.32 as a simplified fraction, we recognize that the decimal 0.32 can be written as the fraction 32/100 since the decimal represents tenths and hundredths.

Next, we simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 8 in this case:

32 ÷ 8 = 4
100 ÷ 8 = 12

Therefore, 0.32 can be expressed as the simplified fraction 4/12.

try again

Apologies for the mistake. Let's try again.

To express 0.32 as a simplified fraction, we can write it as the fraction 32/100 since the decimal represents tenths and hundredths.

Next, we simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 4 in this case:

32 ÷ 4 = 8
100 ÷ 4 = 25

Therefore, 0.32 can be expressed as the simplified fraction 8/25.

Find the product.


The product of (-2)(6)(-5)(-4) can be found by multiplying all the numbers together:

(-2)(6)(-5)(-4) = -2 × 6 × -5 × -4

Multiplying -2 and -5 gives 10:

10 × 6 × -4

Then, multiplying 10 and 6 gives 60:

60 × -4

Finally, multiplying 60 and -4 gives -240:


Therefore, (-2)(6)(-5)(-4) equals -240.

Find the product:


To find the product of −6(−43)(10), we multiply all the numbers together:

−6(−43)(10) = -6 × -43 × 10

Multiplying -6 and -43 gives 258:

258 × 10

Then, multiplying 258 and 10 gives 2580:


Therefore, −6(−43)(10) equals 2580.

Find the product:


To find the product of −6(−4/3)(10), we multiply all the numbers together:

−6(−4/3)(10) = -6 × (-4/3) × 10

Simplifying (-4/3) times 10:

(-4/3) × 10 = -40/3

Now, multiplying -6 by -40/3:

-6 × (-40/3) = 240/3

Simplifying 240/3 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 3:

240/3 = 80

Therefore, −6(−4/3)(10) equals 80.

Each issue of a magazine costs $6.95 at the supermarket. A 6-month digital subscription costs $30.99. How much does a reader save by subscribing to the digital magazine for 6 months?

To find out how much a reader saves by subscribing to the digital magazine for 6 months, we need to compare the cost of purchasing the magazine issues individually with the cost of the 6-month digital subscription.

The cost of each individual magazine issue is $6.95, and a reader would need to purchase 6 issues in 6 months.

6 issues x $6.95 per issue = $41.70

Therefore, if a reader were to purchase each issue individually for 6 months, it would cost them $41.70.

On the other hand, the cost of a 6-month digital subscription is a flat rate of $30.99.

By subscribing to the digital magazine for 6 months, a reader saves:

$41.70 - $30.99 = $10.71

Therefore, a reader saves $10.71 by subscribing to the digital magazine for 6 months.

Four friends each swim 3/5

of a mile in a relay. What is the total distance they swim?

If each of the four friends swims 3/5 of a mile in a relay, we need to find the total distance they swim by multiplying the distance each friend swims by the number of friends.

Distance each friend swims = 3/5 mile

Number of friends = 4

Total distance = (3/5) mile x 4 friends

To multiply fractions, multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together:

Total distance = (3 x 4) / (5 x 1) mile

Total distance = 12/5 mile

To simplify the fraction, divide the numerator by the denominator:

Total distance = 2 2/5 mile

Therefore, the total distance the four friends swim in the relay is 2 2/5 miles.

David found a new part-time job that pays $2400/month. This is 5 times what he made at his previous job. What was David’s yearly salary at his old job?

To find David's yearly salary at his old job, we need to determine how much he made at his previous job, given that his new part-time job pays $2400 per month and this amount is 5 times what he made before.

Let's assume David's previous monthly salary is X.

According to the information given, we have the equation:

5X = $2400

To find X, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 5:

(5X)/5 = $2400/5

X = $480

So, David's previous monthly salary was $480.

To calculate his yearly salary at his old job, we multiply the monthly salary by the number of months in a year:

Yearly salary = $480 x 12 months = $5760

Therefore, David's yearly salary at his old job was $5760.

What is the quotient of 80÷−40


To find the quotient of 80 ÷ -40, we divide 80 by -40:

80 ÷ -40 = -2

Therefore, the quotient of 80 ÷ -40 is -2.

What is the quotient −1/4÷4

To find the quotient of −1/4 ÷ 4, we divide -1/4 by 4:

−1/4 ÷ 4 = -1/4 × 1/4

Multiplying the fractions, we get:

-1/4 × 1/4 = -1/16

Therefore, the quotient of −1/4 ÷ 4 is -1/16.

Bishop ate 1/2

of a sandwich for lunch, and she ate 2/3
of what was left after work. How much of the sandwich did Bishop eat after work?

To find out how much of the sandwich Bishop ate after work, we need to determine the amount left after she ate half of it for lunch, then calculate 2/3 of that remaining amount.

Let's assume the sandwich originally had 1 whole unit.

After eating half of the sandwich for lunch, Bishop is left with 1 - 1/2 = 1/2 of the sandwich.

Now, Bishop eats 2/3 of what remains:

(2/3) * (1/2) = 2/6 = 1/3

Therefore, Bishop ate 1/3 of the sandwich after work.

Denise used 1/6

of a bottle of conditioner on her cat Peaches, and 1/3
of what was left on her cat Butter. How much of the bottle of conditioner did she use on Butter?

To find out how much of the bottle of conditioner Denise used on Butter, we need to determine the amount left after she used 1/6 on Peaches, and then calculate 1/3 of that remaining amount.

Let's assume the bottle of conditioner originally had 1 whole unit.

After using 1/6 of the conditioner on Peaches, Denise is left with 1 - 1/6 = 5/6 of the conditioner.

Now, Denise uses 1/3 of what remains on Butter:

(1/3) * (5/6) = 5/18

Therefore, Denise used 5/18 of the bottle of conditioner on Butter.

A box of Sour Patch Kids has 4/5

of a pound. If each serving contains 1/15
of a pound, how many servings of Sour Patch Kids are available?

To determine the number of servings of Sour Patch Kids available, we need to divide the total weight of the box (4/5 pound) by the weight of each serving (1/15 pound).

To divide fractions, we multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor:

(4/5) ÷ (1/15) = (4/5) × (15/1)

Simplifying the expression:

(4 × 15) / (5 × 1) = 60/5

Reducing the fraction:

60/5 = 12

Therefore, there are 12 servings of Sour Patch Kids available.

Patricia studied 4 1/2

hours for her Social Studies test. She studied half as long for her science test as she did for the Social Studies test. How long did she study for the science test?

If Patricia studied 4 1/2 hours for her Social Studies test, and she studied half as long for her science test, we can calculate the length of time she studied for the science test.

Half of 4 1/2 hours is equivalent to half times 9/2 (since 4 1/2 = 9/2).

(1/2) * (9/2) = 9/4 = 2 1/4

Therefore, Patricia studied for 2 1/4 hours for her science test.

If Ginger evenly shares 3/4

of a pizza with 8 people, how big of a slice does each person get?

To determine the size of each slice that Ginger shares with 8 people, we need to divide the fraction of the pizza she shares (3/4) by the number of people (8).

First, we need to find the reciprocal of 8:


Then, we multiply the fraction (3/4) by its reciprocal (1/8):

(3/4) * (1/8) = 3/32

Therefore, each person gets a slice that is 3/32 of the whole pizza.

thats wrong

Apologies for the mistake. Let's try again.

If Ginger evenly shares 3/4 of a pizza with 8 people, we need to divide the fraction of the pizza she shares (3/4) by the number of people (8).

To divide fractions, we multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction and vice versa. Thus, we have:

(3/4) / 8 = (3/4) * (1/8)

Now, let's simplify the multiplication:

(3/4) * (1/8) = (3*1) / (4*8) = 3/32

Therefore, each person gets a slice that is 3/32 of the whole pizza.

If Ginger evenly shares 34

of a pizza with 8 people, how big of a slice does each person get?(1 point)

of the pizza
6 and 3 fourths of the pizza

of the pizza
1 fourth of the pizza

of the pizza
1 half of the pizza

of the pizza

If Ginger evenly shares 3/4 of a pizza with 8 people, we need to divide the fraction of the pizza she shares (3/4) by the number of people (8).

To find the size of each slice, we can divide 3/4 by 8:

(3/4) ÷ 8 = 3/4 ÷ 8/1

When dividing by a fraction, we can multiply by its reciprocal:

(3/4) × (1/8) = (3/4) × (1/8) = 3/32

Therefore, each person gets a slice that is 3/32 of the whole pizza.

which one is 3/32 closest to?

To determine which option 3/32 is closest to, let's compare it to the provided options:

- 6 and 3 fourths of the pizza: This is equal to 6 + 3/4 = 6.75, which is larger than 3/32.
- 1 fourth of the pizza: This is equal to 1/4 = 0.25, which is smaller than 3/32.
- 1 half of the pizza: This is equal to 1/2 = 0.5, which is significantly larger than 3/32.
- 1/12 of the pizza: This is equal to 1/12 = 0.0833, which is smaller than 3/32.

Among the given options, 3/32 is closest to 1/12 of the pizza.