What is 8 − 7 1/4?(1 point)

8 − 7 1/4 = 8 - (7 + 1/4) = 8 - 7 - 1/4 = 1 - 1/4 = 3/4

what is -4 5/11 - 2 4/11

To subtract mixed numbers, you need to find a common denominator.

The common denominator for 11 and 11 is 11.

-4 5/11 - 2 4/11 = -(4 + 5/11) - (2 + 4/11) = -4 - 2 + (-5/11 - 4/11) = -6 - 9/11

Therefore, -4 5/11 - 2 4/11 is equal to -6 9/11.

what is -6 7/12 - 4 1/3

To subtract mixed numbers, you need to find a common denominator.

The common denominator for 12 and 3 is 12.

-6 7/12 - 4 1/3 = -(6 + 7/12) - (4 + 1/3) = -6 - 4 + (-7/12 - 1/3) = -10 - 7/12 - 4/12

Simplifying further, we get:
-10 - 11/12 = -120/12 - 11/12 = -131/12

Therefore, -6 7/12 - 4 1/3 is equal to -131/12.

what is 907.907 - 709.709?

907.907 - 709.709 = 198.198

what is 90.897 - 81.725?

90.897 - 81.725 = 9.172

what is 12 8/15 - 7 + 7/15 + 15

To perform this calculation, we need to convert the mixed number 12 8/15 to an improper fraction.

12 8/15 = (12 * 15 + 8)/15 = 188/15

Substituting this into the expression, we have:

188/15 - 7 + 7/15 + 15

To add fractions, they need a common denominator. So, we find the LCD, which is 15.

188/15 - 7 + 7/15 + 15 = (188 - 7*15 + 7 + 15*15)/15
= (188 - 105 + 7 + 225)/15
= (90 + 7 + 225)/15
= 322/15

Therefore, the answer is 322/15.