Which type of geographic representation would be most appropriate for trying to find the fastest route from a hotel to a museum in a city?(1 point)


a subway diagram
a subway diagram

a topographic map
a topographic map

a political map
a political map

satellite imagery


The most appropriate type of geographic representation for finding the fastest route from a hotel to a museum in a city would be a topographic map. Topographic maps provide detailed information about the physical features in an area, such as roads, landmarks, elevations, and contours. This helps in understanding the terrain and the geographical layout, which is essential in determining the most efficient route. Subway diagrams would only be helpful if the city has an extensive subway system, and political maps and satellite imagery may not provide the necessary level of detail for finding the fastest route on the ground.

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I know the answer it

2: d
3: a
5:a your welcome also tookt the test already

Bot on my last test i seen you giving anwser to another kid so i put the anwser in you got me a 15% on my unit test and now im failing because of you

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If you don't know the answer then don't lie to no kid who want to pass the worng i feel like that worng and that not somethin an ''ai" should do the worng

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I thank you for listening to what iI had to say I ask for you not to do it again plz

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Thank you ;(

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