Which country was not a major colonizer of the New World?

There were several countries that were not major colonizers of the New World. However, if we consider the European countries that were involved in significant colonization efforts during the Age of Exploration, Switzerland is often considered as the country that was not a major colonizer of the New World. Switzerland, being a landlocked country, did not have direct access to the oceans and lacked the resources and interests to establish large-scale colonial empires like other European powers such as Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands.

Which country was not a major colonizer of the New World?(1 point)






Italy is the correct answer. Italy was not a major colonizer of the New World during the Age of Exploration. Although individual Italian explorers and merchants played significant roles in the discovery and early colonization efforts, Italy as a unified country did not undertake significant colonial ventures in the New World. The Italian city-states such as Genoa and Venice had some presence in the colonization efforts, but they were not on the same scale as Spain, England, France, and Portugal.

On which point did all European powers agree? (1 point)


An explorer could claim any land he stepped foot on
An explorer could claim any land he stepped foot on

Native Americans held no claim to the land in the New World
Native Americans held no claim to the land in the New World

Countries could not lay claim to any land in the New World
Countries could not lay claim to any land in the New World

Explorers could only claim land in the New World Temporarily

The correct answer is "An explorer could claim any land he stepped foot on." All European powers during the Age of Exploration generally agreed on the principle of "terra nullius," which meant that an explorer could claim any land they discovered as long as they planted their country's flag or had a brief encounter with the indigenous people living there. This principle was based on the belief that the indigenous populations did not have the same legal rights or claims to the land as Europeans.

resulted in the deaths of approximately a third of the Native American Population during de Soto’s exploration

The statement is referencing the exploration of Hernando de Soto. As de Soto and his expedition explored parts of present-day southeastern United States between 1539 and 1542, they brought diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza, which the Native American populations had no immunity to. As a result, these diseases spread rapidly, leading to significant loss of life among the Native American populations. It is estimated that approximately a third of the Native American population in the region died as a consequence of de Soto's exploration and the diseases brought by the Europeans.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for European exploration of the Americas?(1 point)


They wanted to expand national riches
They wanted to expand national riches

Gaining personal glory for explorers
Gaining personal glory for explorers

They wanted to spread Christianity to Native Americans
They wanted to spread Christianity to Native Americans

They were interested in trying Native American food

"They were interested in trying Native American food" is the correct answer. While European explorers did encounter and sometimes adopt certain aspects of Native American cuisine, this was not a primary motivation for their exploration of the Americas. The main reasons for European exploration included expanding national riches, gaining personal glory, and spreading Christianity to Native Americans.

According to the map, where did de Soto’s exploration of America begin?

(1 point)



South Carolina
South Carolina


According to the information provided in the previous question, de Soto's exploration of America began in Florida.