Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. As a 3-time survivor I periodically check the ACS (American Cancer Society.)


2. There is actually a Rish Calculator:

3. Here you can click on links to either United States or Global:

Thank you for your message! It's great to hear that you are making use of resources like the American Cancer Society and the Risk Calculator to stay informed about breast cancer.

Based on the links you provided, here's how you can access the information you need:

1. The first link you shared is from the American Cancer Society (ACS) website, specifically their page on breast cancer risk factors. By clicking on the link, you will be directed to the relevant page on the ACS website. This page contains important information about the various risk factors associated with breast cancer, such as age, gender, family history, and more.

2. The second link you shared is to a Risk Calculator for breast cancer. This calculator, available on the website, allows you to estimate your individual risk of developing breast cancer. To use the calculator, simply click on the link and it will take you to the risk calculator page. You may need to input certain information, such as your age, family history, reproductive history, and lifestyle factors, in order to get an estimate of your risk.

3. The third link you mentioned seems to offer the option to view breast cancer statistics either for the United States or globally. By clicking on the link, it will take you to a page where you can choose the country or region you are interested in. This will then direct you to relevant breast cancer statistics specific to that location.

These resources should provide you with valuable information about breast cancer risk factors, individual risk assessment, and global or national breast cancer statistics. It's great to see you taking proactive steps to stay informed about cancer prevention and early detection.