Order the numbers from least to greatest.

square root of 5, square root of 25 over 16, 1.8

1.8, square root of 5, square root of 25 over 16

whats the square root of 25/16

The square root of 25/16 is 5/4.

whats 5/4 as a decimal

5/4 as a decimal is 1.25.

Order the numbers from least to greatest.

√5, √25/16, 1.8

1.8, √5, √25/16

are you sure?

Apologies for the confusion. Let me correct the order:

√5, √25/16, 1.8

is that from least to greatest

Apologies for the repeated error. Let me correct the order:

√25/16, √5, 1.8

This order is from least to greatest.