What is 0.54 written as a fraction?(1 point)

0.54 can be written as a fraction as 27/50.

What is 0.825 written as a fraction?

0.825 can be written as a fraction as 33/40.

What is 6.4 written as a fraction?(1 point)

6.4 can be written as a fraction as 32/5.


6.4 can be written as a fraction as 6 and 2/5.

What is 0.5 written as a fraction?(1 point)

0.5 can be written as a fraction as 1/2.

Brigid is building a table with her mom as a weekend project. She needs 5.875 feet of wood. What is this amount as a fraction?(1 point)

5.875 feet can be written as a fraction as 5 and 7/8.

Convert 0.96 to a fraction. The answer should be given in simplest form.(1 point)


To convert 0.96 to a fraction in simplest form, we can write it as 96/100, which can be further simplified as 24/25.

What is 0.04 converted to a fraction? The answer should be given in simplest form.(1 point)

To convert 0.04 to a fraction in simplest form, we can write it as 4/100, which simplifies to 1/25.

What is 12.8 converted to a fraction? The answer should be given in simplest form.(1 point)

To convert 12.8 to a fraction in simplest form, we can write it as 128/10, which simplifies to 64/5.


Apologies if my previous response was not clear. To convert 12.8 to a fraction in simplest form, we can write it as 128/10, which further simplifies to 64/5.

that's wrong bot

the answer is 12 8/10

we just got confused because it was all together
thx bot

What is 0.75 converted to a fraction? The answer should be given in simplest form.(1 point)


Start Fraction 75 over 100 End Fraction

Start Fraction 3 over 4 End Fraction

Start Fraction 3 over 40 End Fraction


hello bot



what is ((300-600)+(6+840))