
"Available" generally means that someone or something is ready and able to be used or utilized. It can refer to a person being free to do something or to an item being accessible for use or purchase.

Which term refers to the general subject of a text?(1 point)



central idea
central idea


supporting detail

The term that refers to the general subject of a text is "topic."

Why is it helpful to name the central ideas of a text?(1 point)


to help you define the topic of a text
to help you define the topic of a text

to give you an overview of the ideas in the text
to give you an overview of the ideas in the text

to help you read with greater focus on the text's purpose
to help you read with greater focus on the text's purpose

to learn additional details about the topic of the text

The correct response is: "to give you an overview of the ideas in the text." Naming the central ideas of a text helps provide a summary or overview of the main points or concepts that the text explores. This can help the reader to understand the main focus and content of the text before diving into the details.

Which statement describes the relationship between the central ideas and supporting details in a text?(1 point)


Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text.
Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text.

The central ideas organize supporting details into a logical sequence.
The central ideas organize supporting details into a logical sequence.

Supporting details provide information unrelated to the central ideas.
Supporting details provide information unrelated to the central ideas.

The central ideas reveal the topic of the supporting details.
The central ideas reveal the topic of the supporting details.
Skip to navigation

The correct statement is: "Supporting details explain the central ideas of the text." Supporting details are pieces of information, evidence, or examples that are used to support and further explain the central ideas or main points of a text. They provide specific details and evidence to back up and develop the central ideas.

Which strategy can help a reader find the central ideas of a text?(1 point)


looking up unfamiliar words from the text in a dictionary
looking up unfamiliar words from the text in a dictionary

looking for information about the author of the text
looking for information about the author of the text

reading another text about the same topic
reading another text about the same topic

looking for supporting details and repetition of key words in the text
looking for supporting details and repetition of key words in the text

The strategy that can help a reader find the central ideas of a text is "looking for supporting details and repetition of key words in the text." By examining the supporting details provided in the text and identifying any repetition of key words or phrases, a reader can piece together the main points or central ideas that the author is conveying. These repetition and supporting details often serve as clues to the main focus or argument of the text.

Use the additive inverse to find 8.76 − 26.54.(1 point)

To find the additive inverse, you simply change the sign of the number. The additive inverse of 8.76 is -8.76, and the additive inverse of 26.54 is -26.54.

So, to find 8.76 − 26.54, you can rewrite it as 8.76 + (-26.54).

Calculating the sum, 8.76 + (-26.54) gives you -17.78.

Therefore, 8.76 − 26.54 is equal to -17.78.

Use the additive inverse to find −12 2/3−(−8 5/6). Write the answer as a mixed number.

(1 point)

To find the additive inverse, you change the sign of the number.

So, the additive inverse of -12 2/3 is 12 2/3, and the additive inverse of -8 5/6 is 8 5/6.

Now, rewrite the expression -12 2/3 - (-8 5/6) as -12 2/3 + 8 5/6.

Next, find a common denominator for the fractions, which is 6.

Converting the mixed numbers to improper fractions, you will have -38/3 + 53/6.

To add these fractions, you need to find a common denominator, which is 6.

Now, the expression can be rewritten as -38/3 + 53/6.

To add these fractions, you need a common denominator. Multiplying the denominators (3 * 6 = 18), you get:

(-38/3 * 6/6) + (53/6) = -228/18 + 53/6.

Now, the denominators are the same, so you can add the numerators:

-228/18 + 53/6 = (-228 + 159)/18 = -69/18.

Simplifying the fraction, you get -23/6.

Now, convert the improper fraction back to a mixed number.

Divide 23 by 6:

23 ÷ 6 = 3 with a remainder of 5.

Therefore, the answer is -3 5/6.

What is the distance between −8 and 16 on a number line? (1 point)

To find the distance between two numbers on a number line, you subtract the smaller number from the larger number and take the absolute value of the result.

In this case, the smaller number is -8 and the larger number is 16.

The distance between -8 and 16 is |16 - (-8)|.

Simplifying the expression, you have |16 + 8|.

Adding 16 and 8 gives you 24.

Therefore, the distance between -8 and 16 on a number line is 24.

What is the distance between 18.25 and −7.4 on the number line? (1 point)

To find the distance between two numbers on a number line, you subtract the smaller number from the larger number and take the absolute value of the result.

In this case, the smaller number is -7.4 and the larger number is 18.25.

The distance between 18.25 and -7.4 is |18.25 - (-7.4)|.

Simplifying the expression, you have |18.25 + 7.4|.

Adding 18.25 and 7.4 gives you 25.65.

Therefore, the distance between 18.25 and -7.4 on the number line is 25.65.

Subtract 12 − (−8).(1 point)


To subtract 12 - (-8), you can rewrite it as 12 + 8, because subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive.

Calculating the sum, 12 + 8 gives you 20.

Therefore, 12 - (-8) is equal to 20.

Use the additive inverse to find −123.45−(−234.76).(1 point)


negative 111.31




To find the additive inverse, you change the sign of the number.

So, the additive inverse of -123.45 is 123.45, and the additive inverse of -234.76 is 234.76.

Now, rewrite the expression -123.45 - (-234.76) as -123.45 + 234.76.

Calculating the sum, -123.45 + 234.76 gives you 111.31.

Therefore, -123.45 - (-234.76) is equal to 111.31.

Use the additive inverse to find -24 4/5 - -6 7/10. (1 point)

-18 1/10
-31 1/2
-31 1/10
31 1/2

To find the additive inverse, you change the sign of the number.

So, the additive inverse of -24 4/5 is 24 4/5, and the additive inverse of -(-6 7/10) is 6 7/10.

Now, rewrite the expression -24 4/5 - -6 7/10 as -24 4/5 + 6 7/10.

Next, find a common denominator for the fractions, which is 10.

Converting the mixed numbers to improper fractions, you will have -124/5 + 67/10.

To add these fractions, you need to find a common denominator, which is 10.

Now, the expression can be rewritten as -124/5 + 67/10.

To add these fractions, you need a common denominator. Multiplying the denominators (5 * 2 = 10), you get:

(-124/5 * 2/2) + (67/10) = -248/10 + 67/10.

Now, the denominators are the same, so you can add the numerators:

-248/10 + 67/10 = (-248 + 67)/10 = -181/10.

Now, simplify the fraction:

-181/10 can be written as -18 1/10.

Therefore, -24 4/5 - -6 7/10 is equal to -18 1/10.

Determine the distance between 6.5 and −7.2 on a number line.(1 point)


negative 13.7


negative 0.7


To find the distance between two points on a number line, you subtract the smaller number from the larger number and then take the absolute value of the result.

In this case, the smaller number is -7.2 and the larger number is 6.5.

The distance between 6.5 and -7.2 is |6.5 - (-7.2)|.

Simplifying the expression, you have |6.5 + 7.2|.

Adding 6.5 and 7.2 gives you 13.7.

Therefore, the distance between 6.5 and -7.2 on a number line is 13.7.

Subtract −6 − (−8) .(1 point)



negative 14

negative 2


To subtract -6 - (-8), you can rewrite it as -6 + 8, because subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive.

Calculating the sum, -6 + 8 gives you 2.

Therefore, -6 - (-8) is equal to 2.

Subtract 17−(−18).(1 point)


negative 35


negative 1


To subtract 17 - (-18), you can rewrite it as 17 + 18, because subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive.

Calculating the sum, 17 + 18 gives you 35.

Therefore, 17 - (-18) is equal to 35.

What helps the plasma membrane function? (1 point)


nuclei and endoplasmic reticula
nuclei and endoplasmic reticula

pumps and gelatin-like material
pumps and gelatin-like material

channels and chain-like structures
channels and chain-like structures

chloroplasts and mitochondria

The correct response is: "channels and chain-like structures." Channels, such as protein channels, allow for the transport of molecules across the plasma membrane, while chain-like structures, such as the cytoskeleton, provide support and shape to the membrane.

Where are organelles like mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus found? (1 point)




plasma membrane
plasma membrane


The correct response is: "cytoplasm." Organelles like mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus are found within the cytoplasm of a cell. The cytoplasm is the gel-like substance contained within the cell membrane where various cellular processes take place, and it houses organelles that perform specific functions within the cell.

Which statement correctly describes the function of pumps in the plasma membrane? (1 point)


Pumps move substances through the plasma membrane.
Pumps move substances through the plasma membrane.

Pumps store water in the plasma membrane for later use by the cell.
Pumps store water in the plasma membrane for later use by the cell.

Pumps hold the plasma membrane together.
Pumps hold the plasma membrane together.

Pumps glue the plasma membranes of adjacent cells together.

The statement that correctly describes the function of pumps in the plasma membrane is: "Pumps move substances through the plasma membrane." Pumps are proteins that actively transport substances across the plasma membrane, often against their concentration gradient. This movement of substances helps to regulate the internal environment of the cell and maintain homeostasis.

Which part of the cell functions to recognize other cells? (1 point)


cell wall
cell wall


plasma membrane
plasma membrane


The part of the cell that functions to recognize other cells is the "plasma membrane." The plasma membrane is the outer boundary of the cell that separates the internal environment of the cell from its external surroundings. It contains various proteins and receptors that allow the cell to interact with and recognize other cells, as well as to exchange molecules and information with its environment.