What kind of material is being referenced.Tzian,A,(2013)Havards nursing guide to drugs (9th ed )chatwood Austrila Esevier Australia

The kind of material being referenced is a book. Specifically, it is the 9th edition of "Harvard's Nursing Guide to Drugs" by Adriana Tizian, published by Elsevier Australia in Australia.

What do initials DOI stands for

The initials DOI stand for "Digital Object Identifier."

What do the letters APA stands for

The letters APA stand for "American Psychological Association."

What does the word communicare means in latin

The word "communicare" in Latin means "to share, to impart, to communicate."

Using abbreviation in communication to which type of barrier in communication

Using abbreviations in communication can be seen as a barrier in communication known as "language or jargon barrier." This barrier occurs when individuals use specialized terminology, abbreviations, or acronyms that others may not be familiar with, leading to misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the message.

A group of words that communicate a complete thought is known as

A group of words that communicate a complete thought is known as a "sentence." A sentence generally consists of a subject, which is the noun or pronoun that performs the action, and a predicate, which includes the verb and provides information about the subject. A complete sentence conveys a complete idea or message.