Which of the following is proven true with an investigation of NAFTA?(1 point)


The USMCA expanded NAFTA by introducing new member countries.
The USMCA expanded NAFTA by introducing new member countries.

NAFTA allowed the member countries to trade with each other for the first time.
NAFTA allowed the member countries to trade with each other for the first time.

NAFTA resulted in job losses for some Americans but also lower prices on goods sold in the U.S.
NAFTA resulted in job losses for some Americans but also lower prices on goods sold in the U.S.

NAFTA created many problems for all three countries that resulted in major changes in the USMCA.

NAFTA resulted in job losses for some Americans but also lower prices on goods sold in the U.S.

Which type of trade agreement is the USMCA?(1 point)

The USMCA is a free trade agreement.

Which type of trade agreement is the USMCA?

The USMCA is a regional trade agreement.

After investigating intergovernmental organizations, what makes the UN different from others?(1 point)

The United Nations (UN) is different from other intergovernmental organizations in several ways:

1. Universality: The UN has the highest level of membership among intergovernmental organizations, with 193 member states. This includes almost all recognized sovereign nations in the world, making it a truly global organization.

2. Scope: The UN addresses a wide range of global issues, including peace and security, human rights, sustainable development, climate change, and international cooperation. Its mandate is broad and encompasses multiple areas of concern.

3. Peacekeeping: The UN is widely recognized for its peacekeeping operations. It deploys troops and peacekeeping forces to conflict zones to maintain peace, protect civilians, and support post-conflict reconstruction.

4. General Assembly: The UN General Assembly serves as a unique forum where all member states have equal representation and can discuss and address global issues. Each member state has one vote, allowing for a democratic process in decision-making.

5. Security Council: The UN Security Council has the power to enforce international peace and security. It consists of five permanent members with veto power (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and ten non-permanent members elected by the General Assembly.

6. International Law: The UN plays a critical role in developing and promoting international law. It has established several specialized agencies and tribunals, such as the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court, to uphold and enforce international legal principles.

These factors make the UN unique and distinguish it from other intergovernmental organizations in terms of its membership, mandate, global reach, and mechanisms for decision-making and conflict resolution.

Which treaty helped secure the safety of Europe during the Cold War?(1 point)

The treaty that helped secure the safety of Europe during the Cold War is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

What was the main purpose of both NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement) and the USMCA (United States–Mexico—Canada Agreement) that replaced it?(1 point)


The main purpose of both NAFTA and the USMCA was to promote and facilitate free trade between the member countries, specifically the United States, Mexico, and Canada.