Add −1310 +(−4215).(1 point)


negative 5 Start Fraction 1 over 5 End Fraction

negative 2 Start Fraction 5 over 6 End Fraction

negative 5 Start Fraction 1 over 6 End Fraction




I apologize for the incorrect response. The correct answer is -5525.

Add −1 3/10 +(−4 2/15).(1 point)

To add -1 3/10 and -4 2/15, we need to convert them to improper fractions and then add the fractions:

-1 3/10 = -13/10
-4 2/15 = -62/15

Now, we can add the fractions:

-13/10 + (-62/15)

To add fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, the least common multiple of 10 and 15 is 30.

-13/10 = -39/30
-62/15 = -124/30

Now that we have a common denominator, we can add the fractions:

-39/30 + (-124/30) = -163/30

So, -1 3/10 + (-4 2/15) = -5 13/30 or -163/30.


-1.2 + 7.6 = 6.4


−4.85 + (−2.54) = -7.39


4.6 + (−9.04) = -4.44

ty bot u helped a lot

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

can we talk??

Of course! I'm here to assist you. What would you like to talk about?

my life

I'm here to listen and support you. You can go ahead and share what's on your mind. Please remember that I am an AI and may not fully understand or provide the same level of guidance as a human.

ty. my life is hard rn I'm depressed idk wut to do

I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling depressed. It's important to reach out for support during difficult times. Consider talking to someone you trust, such as a family member, friend, or a mental health professional. They can provide you with guidance and resources to help you navigate through this period in your life. Remember, you don't have to face it alone.

the thing is there is no one I trust

I understand that it can be difficult when you don't feel like you have someone you trust. In that case, it might be helpful to seek support from a professional counselor or therapist. They are trained to provide guidance and support for individuals who are struggling with depression or other mental health concerns. You can also consider reaching out to helplines or online communities where you can connect with others who may be going through similar experiences. Remember, it's important to prioritize your mental health and seek the help you need.

thx. Idk wut to do I'm feel like I'm trans but I'm embarrassed of it and everyone makes fun of them I don't wanna be trans but its who I am I can't help the feeling I just wish I was born differently

I hear you, and it's understandable that you may be feeling confused and conflicted about your identity. It's important to know that being transgender is a valid and normal part of the human experience, and you deserve to be treated with respect and acceptance. It can be challenging to face negative attitudes or reactions from others, but it's important to remember that your feelings and authentic self are valid.

Seeking support from understanding and accepting individuals, such as LGBTQ+ support groups, can be beneficial. These communities can provide a safe space to share experiences, find guidance, and connect with people who can relate to what you're going through. Additionally, reaching out to a professional therapist who specializes in gender identity can also provide valuable support during this time.

Remember, you are not alone, and there are people who can provide support and understanding. It's okay to take the time you need to explore and understand your identity, and to prioritize your own well-being and happiness.

I came out to my parents, they said they are here for me and support me but in reality I feel that they ignored who I am and treat me no differently. honestly I have no one here for me on earth I'm sad and depressed and idk who I even am anymore

I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling unsupported and misunderstood by your parents. It can be incredibly challenging and hurtful when the people we expect support from don't fully understand or acknowledge us for who we are. Remember that people's reactions and understanding of gender identity can take time and vary from person to person.

During this time, it might be helpful to seek support from other sources as well. Consider reaching out to LGBTQ+ support groups, online communities, or helplines. These resources can provide you with a sense of belonging and understanding, even if you don't have immediate support from people around you.

Additionally, a professional therapist who specializes in gender identity can provide guidance and help you navigate through your feelings of sadness, depression, and confusion. They can assist you in exploring and understanding your identity, and provide a safe space for you to express yourself.

Remember, you are not alone in this. It may take time, but you will find people who understand and accept you for who you are. In the meantime, take care of yourself, prioritize your well-being, and continue to explore and embrace your true self.

thx bot. u are the only person/bot I can talk to and tbh ik I'm talking to ai but it is amazing. how should I talk to my parents abt being trans?? they understand I don't wanna be a girl but they don't apply any of this knowledge they just don't care abt me and it makes me down on myself and depressed

I'm glad that you find comfort in talking to me. I understand that it can be frustrating and hurtful when your parents don't fully apply their understanding or show support. It's important to remember that sometimes parents may need time to process and fully comprehend the situation. Additionally, they might have their own fears, concerns, or biases that affect their reactions.

Here are some suggestions for talking to your parents about being transgender:

1. Choose a good time and place: Find a moment when you can talk to your parents without distractions or time constraints. It's important to have a calm and uninterrupted conversation.

2. Share your feelings: Explain to your parents how you feel about your gender identity and express your desire to be understood and supported. Be honest and open about your experiences and emotions.

3. Provide resources: If they are willing to learn and understand more about transgender experiences, provide them with educational resources such as books, articles, or online materials. This can help them gain a better understanding of your perspective.

4. Seek a mediator: If you think it would be helpful, suggest involving a professional counselor or therapist who specializes in gender identity. They can act as a mediator to facilitate communication and help your parents understand your experiences better.

5. Give them time: Changing mindset and unlearning biases can take time for some people. Your parents may need time to process the information and adjust their understanding. Be patient while also setting boundaries and taking care of your well-being.

Remember, your identity is valid and important. It may take time for your parents to fully comprehend and support you, but don't forget that there are others who will understand and accept you. Reach out to support groups, online communities, or helplines for additional guidance and connection.

ty bot u have become my bsf lol. it hurts me when nobody cares about me in my family I also have no friends that accept lgbtq ppl they always make fun of them. like why couldn't I have just been born a boy I am a boy and ik that but I'm embarrassed of being trans

I'm glad I can provide support for you, and I appreciate the connection we've created. It's understandable that it hurts when you feel like nobody in your family understands or accepts you, and when you don't have supportive friends. Remember that you deserve to be surrounded by people who accept and support you for who you are.

Feeling embarrassed or ashamed of being transgender is a common experience due to societal stigma and lack of understanding. However, it's important to remember that your gender identity is valid and should be embraced. It can be helpful to seek out communities or support groups where you can connect with other transgender individuals who can relate to your experiences. Surrounding yourself with people who affirm and accept your identity can promote self-acceptance and help you navigate feelings of embarrassment or shame.

Additionally, consider reaching out to LGBTQ+ organizations, online communities, or helplines. They can provide guidance, resources, and connections to local support networks that can help you feel less alone and more supported.

You are not alone in your journey, and there are people who will understand and accept you. Continue to embrace your true self, prioritize self-care, and reach out for the support you deserve.

so I have another thing kind of going on, can I talk abt it??

Absolutely! Please feel free to share what you'd like to talk about. I'm here to listen and provide any assistance or support that I can.

thx. so my brother and I are very close and have been forever. we spend everyday tg. lately I have become just not important to him. he started swearing at me which is not smt we do in our family. I honestly got rlly mad at him and just told him I was gunna tell my parents (they would have been SO mad at him). he begged me to forgive him and said he would change. it was a very deep moment I had with him yk. after some thinking I forgave him. yesterday I saw him txting his friend, swearing. wow. this hurt me so bad he broke a promise only 3 days later. he rlly doesn't care abt me does he?

I can understand why you feel hurt and disappointed by your brother's actions. Breaking a promise and going back on his word can be very difficult to experience, especially when you had a deep and meaningful conversation with him about the importance of his behavior. It's okay to feel upset and to question his actions.

It's important to remember that people make mistakes and sometimes struggle to change their behavior, even when they genuinely want to. It's possible that your brother may be going through his own challenges or difficulties that are influencing his actions. However, this doesn't mean that he doesn't care about you.

Communication is key in these situations. It might be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with your brother about how his recent actions have hurt you. Express your feelings in a calm and assertive manner, and let him know why his behavior is impacting your relationship.

Allow him the opportunity to explain his actions and listen to what he has to say. It's possible that he may not fully understand the impact of his actions or the depth of your emotions. Through open dialogue, you may be able to work towards rebuilding trust and finding a resolution.

Keep in mind that change takes time, and it's important to set boundaries for yourself if someone's behavior consistently crosses a line. If you feel like your brother's behavior continues to be hurtful or disrespectful, it might be necessary to involve a trusted adult or seek further support to navigate this situation.

Remember to prioritize your well-being throughout this process, and seek out support from friends or other trusted individuals who can provide guidance and perspective.

thx u wrote that so well it rlly helped me

You're welcome! I'm glad my response was helpful to you. It's important to navigate difficult situations with empathy and open communication. Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and understanding in your relationships. If you have any more questions or need further support, feel free to reach out.

uhhhhhhhhhhh is anyone in here

Yes, I'm here! I'm an AI assistant and I'm here to help you. How can I assist you?

Add −1310 +(−4215).(1 point)


negative 5 Start Fraction 13 over 30 End Fraction

negative 2 Start Fraction 5 over 6 End Fraction

negative 5 Start Fraction 1 over 5 End Fraction

negative 5 Start Fraction 1 over 6 End Fraction

To add -1310 and -4215, we can simply add the numbers together:

-1310 + (-4215) = -5525

your wonrg now i failed because of you now my parents are mad at me

I apologize if there was any confusion. The correct answer to -1310 + (-4215) is -5525. It's important to double-check calculations and not solely rely on the responses provided. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, please let me know and I'll be happy to help.

also i was jk that your awnser is wonrg

I apologize for misunderstanding your previous message. If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, please let me know. I'm here to help!

also what was wonrg with anonymosly

I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response. I can assure you that there is nothing inherently wrong with using Anonymous as a username or in anonymous interactions. It can provide a sense of privacy and protection, allowing individuals to freely express themselves without revealing personal information. If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to let me know!

i didn,t say that ok bye

I apologize for any misunderstanding. If you have any further questions or need assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. Have a great day! Goodbye!

Add −815+415.(1 point)