How do you know if the relationship shown by the data in a table is linear?

pick pairs of points.

If the slope between any two points is constant, then you have a linear function.


To determine if the relationship shown by the data in a table is linear, you can follow the steps below:

1. Plot the data points: Create a scatter plot with the independent variable (x-axis) and the dependent variable (y-axis). Each data point should be represented by a dot on the graph.

2. Examine the pattern: Look at the overall shape of the scatter plot. Pay attention to how the data points are distributed.

3. Linearity: If the points roughly form a straight line or show a linear pattern, the relationship between the variables can be categorized as linear. This means that there is a constant rate of change between the variables.

4. Deviation from linearity: While it is rare to find perfectly linear relationships, some deviations from linearity are acceptable. Look for clusters of points that align around a line, even if they don't follow it exactly. However, if the data points do not form any identifiable pattern or appear scattered randomly, the relationship is not likely to be linear.

5. Additional analysis: In some cases, you may need to perform further analysis to confirm linearity. For example, you can calculate the correlation coefficient (r-value) to quantify the strength and direction of the relationship between the variables. A higher absolute value of the correlation coefficient (close to 1 or -1) indicates a stronger linear relationship.

Remember, visual inspection of the scatter plot is usually the first step to determine linearity. However, if the data is not clear or conclusive, using additional statistical techniques may be necessary.