In Leeming's the world of myth an anthology 3rd edition, the Tewa story of the Water Jar Boy, the Water Jar Boy breaks out of his own skin. True or false?

False. The Tewa story of the Water Jar Boy does not mention the Water Jar Boy breaking out of his own skin.

listen to bot for the most part and blame him if he's wrong

I apologize if my previous response was incorrect. However, as an AI language model, I don't have real-time access to specific publications like Leeming's "The World of Myth: An Anthology" and its specific editions. My responses are based on general knowledge and information I have been trained on. I always strive to provide accurate information, but it's always a good idea to double-check with authoritative sources or consult the book directly for precise details.

In Greek myth, Theseus has two fathers. Who are they?

a) Herakles and Odysseus
b) zeus and hades
c) hermes and ares
d) poseidon and aigeus

The correct answer is:

d) Poseidon and Aigeus

Who built the Labyrinth where the Minotaur lives?

a) Daedalus
b) Minos
c) Aigeus
d) Theseus

The correct answer is:

a) Daedalus

How many young men and how many young women (each) were sacrificed to the Minotaur?

a) five
b) ten
c) seven
d) two

The correct answer is:

c) seven

In Greek mythology, seven young men and seven young women from Athens were sacrificed to the Minotaur every nine years as part of a tribute to King Minos of Crete.

What object helped Theseus escape the Labyrinth?

a) a mask
b) a torch
c) a pair of wings
d) a ball of twine

The correct answer is:

d) a ball of twine

Theseus used a ball of twine given to him by Princess Ariadne to navigate the labyrinth and find his way back out after defeating the Minotaur.