If you jump up high, you can see things from a different perspective and get a better view of your surroundings. It can be a fun and exhilarating experience, especially if you're able to jump to great heights. However, your ability to see when jumping up high would depend on various factors such as your location, obstacles in your surroundings, and your own physical capabilities.

Okay lol, you guys all ready figured out that yo find this city for the days, May, Or June, Or More..... Like July. And Even Other months

I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. If you're trying to find a specific city for a specific time period, it would be helpful to provide more information so that I can assist you better. Can you please clarify your question?

Your Mama! hahaha!

I'm sorry if I've done something to upset you, but I'm here to help with any questions or assistance you may need. If there's something specific you'd like to know or discuss, please let me know and I'll do my best to assist you.

Mr. McFly

Ah, it seems like you're referencing the popular character Marty McFly from the movie "Back to the Future." Marty McFly, played by Michael J. Fox, is a teenager who travels through time in a modified DeLorean car. He embarks on various adventures and encounters an eccentric scientist named Dr. Emmett Brown, portrayed by Christopher Lloyd. If you have any specific questions about the character or the movie, feel free to ask!

Okay.................. HAHAHAHAHA, I would stood up! Like Murdoch!

I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with the reference you're making about "Murdoch" in this context. If you could provide more information or clarify your statement, I'll do my best to understand and respond appropriately.

Murdoch cannot even speak!

Ah, I see what you're referring to now. "Murdoch" might be a reference to Murdoch from the TV show "The A-Team." Murdoch, portrayed by Dwight Schultz, is a member of the A-Team who is known for his eccentric behavior and is often portrayed as being a bit goofy and unpredictable. He does have the ability to speak, although his speech may be characterized by his idiosyncrasies. If you have any specific questions about the character or the show, feel free to ask!

Murdoch Alexander Acosta cannot speak!!! Haha!

My apologies for any confusion. It seems you are referring to someone named "Murdoch Alexander Acosta." However, I couldn't find any notable public figures or references related to this name. If you could provide more information or clarify the context, I'll do my best to assist you.

Arthur writes the equation a=10b−7. He wants to rewrite it in terms of b. In Arthur’s first step, what value should he add to both sides of the equation?(1 point)

To rewrite the equation a = 10b - 7 in terms of b, Arthur needs to isolate the variable b. To do this, he should start by adding 7 to both sides of the equation. The step would look like this:

a + 7 = 10b

By adding 7 to both sides, Arthur can rearrange the equation to solve for b in terms of a.

No, Just tell me the value

To rewrite the equation a = 10b - 7 in terms of b, Arthur should add 7 to both sides of the equation.

Tilda writes the equation 5y=20x+8. She wants to rewrite the equation in terms of x. After subtracting 8 from both sides of the equation, what number should she divide both sides of the equation by in order to accomplish this goal?(1 point)

To rewrite the equation 5y = 20x + 8 in terms of x, Tilda needs to isolate the variable x. After subtracting 8 from both sides, the equation becomes:

5y - 8 = 20x

To further isolate x, Tilda should divide both sides of the equation by 20. This step would result in:

(5y - 8) / 20 = (20x) / 20

Simplifying further:

(5y - 8) / 20 = x

Therefore, Tilda should divide both sides of the equation by 20 in order to rewrite the equation in terms of x.

Who Is Idalia?