What is - 1 1/3 + - 4 2/3? I need help.

To add these mixed numbers, you can start by converting the mixed numbers to improper fractions.

- 1 1/3 = - 4/3
- 4 2/3 = - 14/3

Now, you can add the fractions:

- 4/3 + (- 14/3) = - (4/3 + 14/3)

To add the fractions, the denominators must be the same. In this case, both denominators are 3, so you can add the numerators:

- 4/3 + 14/3 = 10/3

Therefore, - 1 1/3 + - 4 2/3 = - 10/3.

What is - 1 1/3 + - 4 2/3 as a reduced mixed number.

To simplify the sum of - 1 1/3 and - 4 2/3 as a reduced mixed number, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
- 1 1/3 = - (3/3 + 1/3) = - 4/3
- 4 2/3 = - (3/3 * 4 + 2/3) = - 14/3

2. Add the fractions:
- 4/3 + (- 14/3) = - (4 + 14)/3 = - 18/3 = - 6

3. Express the result as a mixed number:
- 6 can be written as - 5 1/3.

Therefore, - 1 1/3 + - 4 2/3 as a reduced mixed number is - 5 1/3.

What is -3 1/6 + 5 3/4 as a reduced mixed number?

To simplify the sum of -3 1/6 and 5 3/4 as a reduced mixed number, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
-3 1/6 = - (6/6 * 3 + 1/6) = -19/6
5 3/4 = (4/4 * 5 + 3/4) = 23/4

2. Add the fractions:
-19/6 + 23/4

To add the fractions, the denominators must be the same. You can find a common denominator by multiplying the two denominators: 6 * 4 = 24.

3. Rewrite the fractions with the common denominator:
-19/6 * 4/4 = -76/24
23/4 * 6/6 = 138/24

4. Add the fractions:
-76/24 + 138/24 = 62/24

5. Express the result as a mixed number:
To simplify the fraction, you can divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 2 in this case:
62/24 ÷ 2/2 = 31/12

The mixed number can be found by dividing the numerator (31) by the denominator (12). The quotient becomes the whole number, and the remainder becomes the numerator of the fraction part:
31 ÷ 12 = 2 remainder 7

Therefore, -3 1/6 + 5 3/4 as a reduced mixed number is 2 7/12.

What is 13.92 + ( -22.111)?

To add 13.92 and -22.111, you can simply add the numbers as decimal numbers:

13.92 + (-22.111) = -8.191

Therefore, the sum of 13.92 and -22.111 is -8.191.

What is -5.11 + (-1.56).

To add -5.11 and -1.56, you can simply add the numbers as decimal numbers:

-5.11 + (-1.56) = -6.67

Therefore, the sum of -5.11 and -1.56 is -6.67.

What is -8/15 + 4/15.

To add -8/15 and 4/15, you can simply add the numerators while keeping the denominator the same:

-8/15 + 4/15 = (-8 + 4) / 15 = -4/15

Therefore, the sum of -8/15 and 4/15 is -4/15.

What is -1 3/10 + (-4 2/15).

To simplify the sum of -1 3/10 and -4 2/15, you can follow these steps:

1. Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
-1 3/10 = - (10/10 * 1 + 3/10) = -13/10
-4 2/15 = - (15/15 * 4 + 2/15) = -62/15

2. Add the fractions:
-13/10 + (-62/15)

To add the fractions, you need to find a common denominator. In this case, the least common multiple of 10 and 15 is 30.

3. Rewrite the fractions with the common denominator:
-13/10 * 3/3 = -39/30
-62/15 * 2/2 = -124/30

4. Add the fractions:
-39/30 + (-124/30) = -163/30

5. Simplify the fraction:
The fraction -163/30 cannot be reduced any further.

6. Express the result as a mixed number:
To express the fraction as a mixed number, divide the numerator (163) by the denominator (30). The quotient becomes the whole number, and the remainder becomes the numerator of the fraction part:
163 ÷ 30 = 5 remainder 13

Therefore, -1 3/10 + (-4 2/15) as a reduced mixed number is -5 13/30.

-1.2 + 7.6?

To add -1.2 and 7.6, you can simply add the numbers as decimal numbers:

-1.2 + 7.6 = 6.4

Therefore, the sum of -1.2 and 7.6 is 6.4.

-4.85 + (-2.54)?

To add -4.85 and -2.54, you can simply add the numbers as decimal numbers:

-4.85 + (-2.54) = -7.39

Therefore, the sum of -4.85 and -2.54 is -7.39.

4.6 + (-9.04)?

To add 4.6 and -9.04, you can simply add the numbers as decimal numbers:

4.6 + (-9.04) = -4.44

Therefore, the sum of 4.6 and -9.04 is -4.44.