Can someone please check my work?

Answer the following questions in a complete sentence.

1. ¿A qué hora duermes por la noche?
Duermo a las once por la noche.

2. ¿Dónde almuerzas con tus amigos?
Mis amigos y yo almorzamos en la cafetería.

3. ¿Cuándo vas al teatro?
Yo nunca voy al teatro.

Use the following information to write three sentences about what these people do.

Raúl y Graciela
Cecilia y yo
a la 1:30 pm
la calle del cine
el restaurante

1. Luis volve a la una y media de la tarde.

2. Raúl y Graciela almuerzan al restaurante.

3. Cecilia y yo encontramos la calle del cine.

Write a complete sentence to describe what you can have for lunch at your favorite restaurant.

A mi restaurante favorito, puedo tener el sándwich de jamón y queso por el almuerzo.

Your friends go to many places. Write sentences about your friends using the verbs provide.

1. (almuerzan)
Mis amgios James y Edward almuerzan a un restaurante.

2. (dormís)
Vosotros dormís a las ocho.

3. (encuentro)
Encuentro la calle del cine.

4. (podemos)
Mis amigos y yo podemos ir de compras.

5. (vuelves)
Tú vuelves a las siete del cine.

Are they correct? If not, what can I change?

Muchas Gracias.

1. por la noche. = for a nonspecific time, but when you say "a las ocho" it becomes "de la noch e."

2nd set: 1. volve = comes from volver. After a while when you get a good "ear" try these kinds of vowel changes and you see why "volve" is an ugly sound. o--->ue, e--->ie, e--->i. volver is an o--->ue verb: Yo vuelvo, tú vuelves, él/ella/Ud. vuelve, nosotros/nosotras volvemos, vosotros/vosotras volvéis, ellos, ellas, Uds. vuelven

2. al restaurante. This needs a verb of motion, for example "ir + a" = in this case "en"

3rd set: A mi restaurante favorito = En mi restaurante, etc.

1. Mis amgios = spelling = amigos and at the end "en"


1. Your sentence "Mis amgios James y Edward almuerzan a un restaurante" has a few errors. The word "amigos" is misspelled as "amgios" and the preposition "a" should be replaced with "en" to mean "at" instead of "to." The correct sentence should be: "Mis amigos James y Edward almuerzan en un restaurante."

2. The sentence "Vosotros dormís a las ocho" is grammatically correct and means "You all sleep at eight." However, since the question asks about your friends, it should be changed to "Ellos duermen a las ocho" to mean "They sleep at eight."

3. The sentence "Encuentro la calle del cine" is already correct and means "I find the street of the cinema."

4. The sentence "Mis amigos y yo podemos ir de compras" is grammatically correct and means "My friends and I can go shopping."

5. The sentence "Tú vuelves a las siete del cine" is grammatically correct and means "You return at seven from the cinema."

Overall, most of the sentences are correct with a few minor changes needed. Great job!