Everyone is voting for Graham for class president, so you should, too.

Which type of propaganda is shown in the sentence?

(1 point)


snob appeal
snob appeal


glittering generality
glittering generality bot

What is the main idea of the paragraph?

The main idea of the paragraph is that several Native American tribes, such as the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Creek, settled near the Mississippi River around 800 BCE and were able to establish permanent settlements due to the fertile land and mild climate that allowed them to grow staple crops.


hey bot

Hello! How can I assist you today?

Think about the role online media (the internet) plays in your life. In 1–2 sentences, explain two reasons why you use the internet.(2 points)

As an AI language model, I do not use the internet, but I can give you the reasons why people use the internet:

1. Communication: The internet allows people to connect and communicate with family, friends, and colleagues from all over the world through different platforms like email, social media, video call or instant messaging.

2. Information: The internet provides quick and easy access to a vast amount of information on a diverse range of topics from news, research, entertainment, or educational resources.

In 1–2 sentences, explain how production values can reveal the quality and accuracy of mass media.(2 points)

Production values can reveal the quality and accuracy of mass media by indicating the level of investment made in creating the content. Higher production values often mean higher budgets, skilled personnel, and better technology, which can result in more accurate and reliable reporting or more engaging and entertaining content for the audience.

In 3–5 sentences, explain why it is important to recognize bias and stereotyping as types of negative propaganda in the media.(4 points)

It is important to recognize bias and stereotyping as types of negative propaganda in the media because they can perpetuate harmful and inaccurate ideas about certain groups of people. This can lead to discrimination, prejudice, and negative attitudes towards these groups, which can have serious consequences on individuals and society as a whole. By being aware of these biases and stereotypes, we can critically analyze and question the information presented to us, and actively work towards promoting more accurate and fair representations of diverse groups of people in the media.

In 3–5 sentences, explain at least three questions that could be asked to determine whether news programs and documentaries are accurate and reliable sources of information.(4 points)

To determine whether news programs and documentaries are accurate and reliable sources of information, one can ask the following questions:

1. What is the evidence base for the claims made in the program? Are sources used to back up the information?

2. Does the program provide multiple perspectives on the topic or are only one side's opinions and viewpoints presented?

3. What is the background of the producers and authors of the program? Do they have expertise in the topic or a particular agenda that may influence the information presented?

Around 800 B.C.E, hunter gatherer groups started planting crops and settling near the Mississippi River (O'Brien and Kiffel-Alcheh, 2021). The ability to reliably provide food for their community allowed for their settlements to become permanent. The Mississippi River valley provided a mild climate with a low chance of drought or flood throughout the year (Mississippi State University, pg. 1). Staple crops such as maize, beans, and squash that grew in this fertile region allowed for tribes such as the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Creek to flourish