Daffodil Is a person name.

Although daffodil is a common name for a type of flower, it can also be used as a given name for a person, although it is not a very common name.

And, It's a girl's name.

Yes, Daffodil is more commonly used as a girl’s name. However, it is still a relatively rare name and not commonly used.

And, Totol Is a person's name also.

As far as I know, Totol is not a commonly used given name for a person. It might be a surname or a nickname, but I have not come across it as a normal given name. It is important to note that some names may be more common in certain cultures or regions, and Totol could potentially be a name used in a specific cultural context.

Actually, It's a person's name.

I apologize for my earlier response. If Totol is a person's name, then it is likely that it has a cultural or regional significance. Without more context, it is difficult to determine the origin or meaning of the name. However, it is not a name that is commonly used in English-speaking countries.

Yeah, E. Jean. Is not a common name.

How you know?

Because Is not used for all people.

Katrina Is not really common. But, a good name for girl? right?