Of the 400 doctors, 240 practice family medicine and 130 were from countries outside the United States. What is the probability that a doctor does not practice family medicine or is from the United States?

(400-240)/400 = proportion not practicing family medicine.

Use similar method to find US doctors.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To find the probability that a doctor does not practice family medicine or is from the United States, we need to calculate the number of doctors who meet this criteria and divide it by the total number of doctors.

First, let's find the number of doctors who do not practice family medicine. We are given that out of the 400 doctors, 240 practice family medicine. Therefore, the number of doctors who do not practice family medicine is 400 - 240 = 160.

Next, let's find the number of doctors from the United States. We know that out of the 400 doctors, 130 are from countries outside the United States. Therefore, the number of doctors from the United States is 400 - 130 = 270.

Now, let's find the number of doctors who either do not practice family medicine or are from the United States. To do this, we need to add the number of doctors who do not practice family medicine (160) to the number of doctors from the United States (270). Therefore, the total number of doctors who do not practice family medicine or are from the United States is 160 + 270 = 430.

Finally, we can calculate the probability by dividing the number of doctors who meet our criteria (430) by the total number of doctors (400). The probability is calculated as:

P(doctor does not practice family medicine or is from the United States) = 430 / 400 ≈ 1.075

However, probabilities cannot exceed 1, so the maximum probability can be is 1. Therefore, the probability that a doctor does not practice family medicine or is from the United States is 1.

In summary, the probability is 1.