Convert. Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number.

cups =

The answer is 5 3/8 gallons.

A 2-pound jar of pickles costs $25.28. What is the price per ounce?

First, we need to convert pounds to ounces since the unit price is usually measured in price per ounce. Since there are 16 ounces in a pound, then 2 pounds is equal to 32 ounces.

Next, we can divide the total cost by the number of ounces to get the price per ounce:

Price per ounce = Total cost ÷ Number of ounces
Price per ounce = $25.28 ÷ 32 ounces
Price per ounce = $0.79 per ounce (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the price per ounce of the pickles is $0.79.

Type the integer that makes the following subtraction sentence true:

− –8 = –2

The integer that makes the subtraction sentence true is 6.

6 - (-8) = 14


-8 + 6 = -2

–14 +

= 2

To solve for the missing integer, we need to realize that adding a positive integer to a negative integer will result in a smaller negative integer, moving to the left on the number line.

We can start with the given number 2 and move to the left by adding the absolute value of -14:

2 + 14 = 16

So, the missing integer is -16.

-14 + (-16) = -30


-16 + (-14) = -30

Type the integer that makes the following addition sentence true:

–14 + = 2

To solve for the missing integer, we need to isolate the variable by subtracting -14 from both sides of the equation, following standard algebraic rules:

–14 + x = 2

x = 2 + 14

x = 16

Therefore, the integer that makes the addition sentence true is 16.

-14 + 16 = 2

Type the integer that makes the following addition sentence true:

+ –19 = –27

To solve for the missing integer, we need to isolate the variable by adding 19 to both sides of the equation, following standard algebraic rules:

x + (-19) = -27

x = -27 + 19

x = -8

Therefore, the integer that makes the addition sentence true is -8.

-8 + (-19) = -27

Type the integer that makes the following addition sentence true:

11 + = 8

To solve for the missing integer, we need to isolate the variable by subtracting 11 from both sides of the equation, following standard algebraic rules:

11 + x = 8

x = 8 - 11

x = -3

Therefore, the integer that makes the addition sentence true is -3.

11 + (-3) = 8

Type the integer that makes the following subtraction sentence true:

− 70 = –75

To solve for the missing integer, we need to add 70 to both sides of the equation, following standard algebraic rules:

x - 70 = -75

x = -75 + 70

x = -5

Therefore, the integer that makes the subtraction sentence true is -5.

-5 - 70 = -75

Type the integer that makes the following subtraction sentence true:

− 7 = 90

There is no integer that can make the subtraction sentence true.

To see this, we can start by adding 7 to both sides of the equation to isolate the variable:

x - 7 = 90

x = 90 + 7

x = 97

However, if we substitute 97 back into the original equation, we get:

-97 - 7 = -104

which is not equal to 90. Therefore, there is no integer that can make the subtraction sentence true.

Type the integer that makes the following addition sentence true:

–21 +
= –65

To solve for the missing integer, we need to isolate the variable by subtracting -21 from both sides of the equation, following standard algebraic rules:

x - 21 = -65

x = -65 + 21

x = -44

Therefore, the integer that makes the addition sentence true is -44.

-21 + (-44) = -65

Add. Write your answer as a fraction or as a whole or mixed number.

6 2/4 + 10 3/4

We can simplify each mixed number to an improper fraction:

6 2/4 = 6 + 2/4 = 6 + 1/2 = 12/2 + 1/2 = 13/2

10 3/4 = 10 + 3/4 = 40/4 + 3/4 = 43/4

Now, we can add the fractions:

13/2 + 43/4 = 26/4 + 43/4 = 69/4

Therefore, the sum of 6 2/4 and 10 3/4 is 69/4, which can also be written as a mixed number by dividing the numerator by the denominator:

69/4 = 17 1/4

Tanner read 3 pages on Sunday, 6 pages on Monday, 12 pages on Tuesday, and 24 pages on Wednesday. If this pattern continues, how many pages will Tanner read on Thursday?


If we look at the pattern, it seems that Tanner is doubling the number of pages he reads each day. Therefore, we can predict that he will read 24 x 2 = 48 pages on Thursday.

Alternatively, we can write out the total number of pages read each day:

Sunday: 3 pages
Monday: 6 pages
Tuesday: 12 pages
Wednesday: 24 pages

To find Thursday's count, we can double the number of pages read on Wednesday:

Thursday: 24 x 2 = 48 pages

Therefore, based on the pattern, we predict that Tanner will read 48 pages on Thursday.

You spin the spinner and flip a coin. How many outcomes are possible?

when the spiner only has a 2 and a 3

If the spinner has only a 2 and a 3, then there are 2 possible outcomes for spinning the spinner.

If we flip a coin, there are 2 possible outcomes for that event as well.

To find the total number of possible outcomes, we can multiply the number of outcomes for each event:

2 (spinner) x 2 (coin) = 4

Therefore, there are 4 possible outcomes for spinning the spinner and flipping a coin when the spinner has only a 2 and a 3.

You pick a card, spin the spinner, and find the sum. How many different sums are possible?

card numbers 1,2
spinner numbers 4,5,6,7,8

If we pick a card with either a 1 or a 2, there are 2 possible card options.

If we spin the spinner, there are 5 possible outcomes, ranging from 4 to 8.

To find the number of different sums, we need to consider all the possible combinations of card and spinner outcomes:

- If we pick a card with a 1 and spin a 4, the sum is 1 + 4 = 5
- If we pick a card with a 1 and spin a 5, the sum is 1 + 5 = 6
- If we pick a card with a 1 and spin a 6, the sum is 1 + 6 = 7
- If we pick a card with a 1 and spin a 7, the sum is 1 + 7 = 8
- If we pick a card with a 1 and spin an 8, the sum is 1 + 8 = 9
- If we pick a card with a 2 and spin a 4, the sum is 2 + 4 = 6
- If we pick a card with a 2 and spin a 5, the sum is 2 + 5 = 7
- If we pick a card with a 2 and spin a 6, the sum is 2 + 6 = 8
- If we pick a card with a 2 and spin a 7, the sum is 2 + 7 = 9
- If we pick a card with a 2 and spin an 8, the sum is 2 + 8 = 10

Therefore, there are 5 possible sums: 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

but how many outcomes are there

To find the total number of different sums, we need to count the number of outcomes.

There are two card options and five spinner options, which means there are 2 x 5 = 10 possible outcomes.

Each outcome gives us a different sum. So, there are 10 different sums possible.